I woke this morning thinking I had nothing to write about. My creativity as dry as my flower pots baking in the hot Houston sun. I drug myself out of bed wondering if today would be different than yesterday?
I had read signs earlier in the week that today our local high school band would be marching through our community, starting in our neighborhood. I gave myself a list of reasons why I should not go to watch. I purposely took too much time getting ready & finding the dogs leash. But something kept pushing me out of the house. As I opened the kitchen door, my ears picked up the constant beat of the base drums. I grabbed our dog & ran. A 50's woman, profusely sweating, carrying a hot dog & breaking into a run is a comedy skit in itself. I was looking hot, not to be confused with haute.

There are two constants in life that can choke me up more than rag weed & that is 1.
bagpipes, 2. the sight & sounds of a
marching band. Don't call in the psychiatrist quite yet; I promise both have good reason.

It was 10 a.m. & already a humid 96F. As I carried (yes carried) the dog through our tree lined neighborhood, I was thrilled to witness so many folks out on the street. Band parents & music lovers; on-lookers with beards, babies, cute dogs, & those like me who can't hold a foot still at the sound of a good tune.
What quickly became remarkably clear were people were yes listening, but also visiting. It was as if we'd all submerged from our summer cocoons shying from the harsh sun. I heard a, "
I didn't know you had two children", to a "
I haven't seen you all summer".
Folk's were catching up, laughing, and enjoying the music all because this group of fine young musicians, parents & their music teacher, were willing to share themselves with our neighborhood on this day. It brought back what is so right about the simple things in life.

I am proud that the simplest of
treasures in my book are never taken for granted. I'd take good music, good friends & gut-busting laughter over all the Gucci on Rodeo Drive any day. That is unless I have a photo shoot that day, then the Gucci may come in handy. No photos shoots on the horizon...so it all works out in the end.

All may be good, but
Emily Post would give me two slaps on the hand for neglecting to properly thank a fellow blogger for her kindness and friendship.

Thank you
Therese of La Dolfina &
Il Tuo Tesorao. I was very fortunate to win Therese's first giveaway during her launch of her newest blog
Il Tuo Tesoro. Therese the woman is a rare gem. She is a hunter & a gatherer of magnificent treasures that she unearths at flea markets & a like. Both of her blogs are such a joy to read but what I quickly discovered is that Therese shares of herself. Her humor, kindness, support, and her friendship. For all of those you can never put a price, only a true value.

if you have not, please visit Therese's

Thanking you Terri just does not seem good enough.

If I was not fortunate enough after receiving Terri's wonderful prize, I received an email this week that I had won the
Belle Inspiration giveaway from very chic & gracious,
Mimi Bleu of
Bonjour Romance. Mimi's motto is, "Put a little ooh la la in your life." Every time I read her blog I get just that. Mimi is on the heels of launching her first e-magazine, '
Belle Inspiration' to be released in September in a digital flip-page format.

Each issue of
Belle Inspiration will profile practical & versatile ideas coupled with beautiful images of far away place, unique boutiques, wallet-friendly solutions for interiors, food & fashion. Subscribe
here for yourself & for a friend and fellow Francophile.

I not only won a years subscription to Belle Inspiration but I also won this very fun book by the talented illustrator Elaine Bliss. Thank you Mimi, you are truly a woman to admire and marvel at. Oh la la indeed - for today, it's good to be deb of dumbwit tellher.
{go forth and live responsibly}
laugh, love & listen
Wow! Lucky girl!
You're winning everything!
Love all those festive blue shirts in the sunshine.
Hello eveyrone, thax q lot fof this blog .... This was exactly what I was looking for.
Such great goodies......congrats, I will enjoy looking at those blogs too, thank you, xv.
Thank you for the links! You are a lucky thing! xxx
I don't know about ooh la la in your life, it sounds like it's more like oom pah pah!
I love the pipes and marching bands too!
Thanks for the links...new blogs..yummy!
Loved this peek into your morning and into your life, refreshing as I drink my first cup of coffee. I get excited about high school bands and bagpipes, too. I lived across from my high school, and early every Sunday morning would come the sound of bagpipes from the baseball field. A student played them, and it would fill my eyes with tears just knowing he was out there giving the world that gift early in the morning.
this is a charming post deb!
i love the band images.
and the heat....oh the heat.
stay cool...
although you always will be!!
yeah sista!
loved the pictures, brought back some great memories, thanks. glad you won!!!
This post gave me goose bumps, especially the part about the neighbors reconnecting. This idea should be shared with every school across the country because I am quite confident people would come out in droves for this. The simple things in life really are the best. I just wonder how many times we have to hear and experience that before we truly believe it! BTW..I too love a good marching band song!
Deb I am soo with you on blog inspiration! You found a treasure right in your neighborhood. You were blessed by listening and heeding the small voice inside!
You are a winner....always...whether in prize or just being you!
Deb I am soo with you on blog inspiration! You found a treasure right in your neighborhood. You were blessed by listening and heeding the small voice inside!
You are a winner....always...whether in prize or just being you!
Great wins, congratulations! And I love a marching band too (I was in marching band for 1 year in high school - "played" the cymbals, I was so not good), sounds like a wonderful time and I'm glad you enjoyed. I love simple things like that too! Makes life so much more enjoyable. Hope you are having a marvelous weekend and keeping cool. It's hot here too, but there's a thunderstorm brewing outside now. xoxo Jenny
Lovely post today. I love the bagpipes, and marching bands, but especially the bagpipes. congrats on all the gifts, and friendships you are forging along the way, and I agree with what you said about Theresa Long, a lovely lady.
Glad you stepped out into the day and embraced it with open arms and not carelessly let it slip through your fingers.
Music is always a treat-and what a lovely day you enjoyed with dog in tow. Thanks for sharing these treasures and a big Congratulations for your wins!
I could almost hear the band from here Deb! You are on a roll girl with all those wins - can we rub your head for luck?
Millie ^_^
haha Deb it's great to be a winner! And you are so many times over! We do not do bands here in SoCal and it's so sad; though our town in France has their own....nothing puts you in a good mood like the band, never mind the sweat and the dog, you are there. Do let me know if I can send you any new sample merch; just in, see the blog. wonderful week to you!! xxoo A
Dearest Deb,
What a touching story....I too understand this. I don't know if this is celebrated throughout the country, but in Minneapolis and St. Paul, we have a "National Night Out" event where each city block has a get together with all the neighbors. Barbeques, games for the kids and pets and all-night celebrating for the adults takes place. It is really so much fun, but there have been times when either the extreme humidity, as this year's case or fatigue has set in, making me just want to hang inside the house. But once I get outside, laughter and friendships burst and the times just flies. Making good ties with your neighbors is not only wise, but it makes living in your neighborhood a lot easier!!! AND.....congrates on your win!!!! I wrote an article on my home for Belle Inspiration, so watch out for "Rabbit Hill"....the name we have lovingly given our home. September 15 I believe, is the launch date. Thank you for visiting me, and I am glad you enjoyed your virtual Creamsicle!!! Come again, any time dear. Enjoy your week; it will be my last week of leisure before returning to school for meetings and the preparation of my classroom!!!
Great post! Congratulations on your winnings too! Thanks for the pick me up! I also love "the pipes" - which is really funny because I throught they were awful when I was a kid. Have you every watched the St. Patrick's Day parade go down Fifth Avenue?
Fabulous post! I returned home from vacation to a brown yard and flower pots and spent most of Saturday digging and replanting~ ugh!
I love Therese and had no idea she started another blog. Heading over to check it out now.
Everytime I see a marching band I immediately start singing "76 trombones" in my head. Nothing brings excitement like a band can. Those poor kids must have been sweltering playing in that heat. At least they weren't in their band uniforms!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I did enjoy Ghost Writer. It was a nice change of pace. I love your blog, and I know I've run across it before. Now, I need to follow you so I can keep up!
Good for you Deb! I'm so glad you and the pup got up and went! You never know what unexpected pleasures will come from just getting out there.
Our local high school is only a few blocks away and I fondly remember the times that the band practiced through out our neighborhood...it was like a parade right outside our front door...and such a feeling of community enveloped the whole scene, it was very "Americana".
I'm hoping we get to see them this year...it's been a while.
xoxo J~
(it was almost 100% yesterday!)
Great Post Deb
I know that feeling of lacking inspiration.. I'm blaming winter for it and hope the spring I feel in the air will snap me out of it,..
As I think I've told you before.. bagpipes are very dear to me.. and also the bagpipes and kettle drum bands.. [my brother was in one as a youn'ng]... You know we don't really 'do' marching bands over here.. not like the US... but I imagine the spirit is infectious... Remember the movie 'The Other Sister'??? I always think of that when I think of marching bands..
Well.. lucky you winning the giveaway.... I love Therese's blogs. always something delightful there... and you have reminded me I am way overdue with some thankyou[s] myself...
Sounds like your weekend was fab.. hope the coming week bring more fun.. xxx Julie
Hi Deb,
You are always so honest and real with your posts and this one is no exception. Isn't it the best when your gut pushes you only to discover that it was the best thing? Many times when we are a little challenged our wise gut knows just the perfect remedy. I'm so happy that you had that poignant experience and that it changed your outlook and day :)
Thank you too for the lovely mention. My first giveaway couldn't have gone to a more perfect recipient.
I love you,
Hi Deb:
Just wanted to say thank you for the so sweet comment you left on my guest post at La Dolce Vita - it made my day!!
alison g.
Congrats on winning Deb! Yayyy!
Ps: You are always so kind...no need to apologize, I do understand! So glad to hear fm you as always!
Hi Deb!
Love the band
and the thought
of all the folks
it brought together!
Love La Dolfina ~
one of my favorites!
Loved reading
about Belle Inspiration....
Thanks for all
the love!
xx Suzanne
Deb, congrats on your awards, you are amazing and deserve them!! I love parades and bagpipes. I find it impossible to watch a parade in person and not cry...I thought I was the only one. It never fails, whether it be local in my little small hometown or in upstate NY where I am from or Disney, I cry! at every parade I attend! I try to not let people see me and think I have lost all my marbles but I just love a parade. They just move me and remind me of growing up with my grandparents in my small little country town. Those memories sure do beat out Gucci anytime in 'The what really matters in Life' category!!
Lovely post!!
It is that time of year again! I live across from Wake Forest University and they've just started practicing. It stirs my little heart, but bagpipes are so lovely and mournful they grab my celtic soul! We need encouragement to get out of the AC, Thanks, and thanks for visiting!
I meant 100*! Sheesh! To hot...can't think! ;)
What a lovely post and sounds a wonderfully lovely day to go along with it! I would have loved to see that marching band!
Thanks for sharing so many great new blogs to check out and thank you very much for stopping by and your sweet comment about my art.
Smiles and hope you are surviving the heat!
It seems like your uninspired day turned to be exceptionally rewarding! A high school band, laughter, and a giveaway win! You're just lucky! Enjoy your blessings!
lila Ferraro
I just loved this blog Deb. I too grew up with a musical family and so loved the bag pipes. Dad being from Nova Scotia, didn't and persuaded not to learn. Your blogs are an inspiration and part of my daily ritual. I am one of the lucky ones who gets to call you a friend.
hello, thanks for stopping by my little fashion place..your postings and blog look very interesting... lot going on girl, hehe! dear greetings!
Amazing how something so simple as a parade can be so much fun for all. The people in Maine rush to our parades. I usually don't go because of the parking downtown.
Enjoyed this, I remember Katy High
I also have seen the other two blogs, very lovely.
I'm so happy that someone as fabulous as you has been so lucky! xoxo
never take anything for granted... when you least expect it is gone just like vacations!!! congrats on all the winnings!!!
I just love reading your posts, you rock! Always a wonderful entertainer, Thank you!
How's the house selling going? I can't imagine it on the market long, you did such a fantastic job on it...
Hope you are enjoying your week,
Well aren't you just a lucky duck! Fabu! And what fun going out to see that marching band...I love the sense of community that comes with chatting with neighbors on the street. Funny, I used to think I wouldn't want to live in a neighborhood when I grew up, but now that I am and I do, I love it! Hope you have a wonderful weekend Deb! xoxo
I bet that band was a sight to see first thing in the morning! Somehow that simple thing always chokes me up, too. Nothing like the thrill of the marching band! Thanks for visiting, and for always encouraging me. I am so happy to back to blog hopping!
Have a great weekend,
Bonjour Deb,
WHat a fabulous story. You can add me to the list of crying at parades. I get all sentimental over all the comraderie I guess. Thank you for your kind mention, Glad to hear you get a little Ooh la la when you visit - some days it's a struggle isn't it? Bon weekend
Bonjour Deb,
WHat a fabulous story. You can add me to the list of crying at parades. I get all sentimental over all the comraderie I guess. Thank you for your kind mention, Glad to hear you get a little Ooh la la when you visit - some days it's a struggle isn't it? Bon weekend
You were so lucky .You won lovely treasures
That is soo pretty, I love how you put this all together, you are very creative! Thanks for sharin!
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