In pictures this is why I've been absent from your T-3 fiber optic cables, your comment boxes & emails.
grad parties
Along this path of milestones in ones family I am convinced that when you take your final breath that you must be allowed to take these images & moments with you to the next journey. It's not the Manolo Blahniks that you transfer to the other side, it's these invaluable memories.Memories of the tears, not only yours but your families, the laughter till your stomach hurts, the great food & good beer (yes beer), the antics and the advice.
Minnesota, Wisconsin & Illinois.
I don't know where life is headed next? Scotland is on one second, on the burner the next. The economy might not be on our side but you all have been, & thank you. I'm not giving up. For the first time in years I don't feel alone. I have you all and one really great family.
I'm frustrated, anxious, and yes, sad. My youngest flies off to college in July and in 30 years I will be a mom at home with no teen to yell, "but your darn dishes in the dishwasher". Now it's figuring out me without having the label "child on-board".
All of your "homes" are in such beautiful places. You have to go to Scotland next, it's one of the most beautiful places in the world. Just my two cents. ;)
Life can be filled with contrasts at our age and sounds like you have had both joy and sadness lately and know that I am thinking of you. Your children are gorgeous (and smart) so congratulations on all the graduations and the empty nest is not as bad as everyone says.......like everything else it can be what you make of it and I know you will make it great fun. Much love XO
I will say it is a strange feeling to be alone and your child gone. It's a new life, so seize
the day and do the things you have always wanted to do.
Congratulations on the graduates. Good looking family. Is Katy Texas by Houston?
So many lovely faces!
You are correct... it is never the Manolos that matter most.
Welcome back!
stunning family! glorious mother you are! so wonderful to have our deb back!! what a grand adventure you have ahead! i can't wait to witness it.
You seem to have a wonderful strength about you.Couple that with your family and I think you will handle whatever comes next. By the way speaking as a 6 year "empty nester", it ain't all bad!
Welcome back, Deb! What wonderful memories, and not one but two graduations -- what a mitzvah!
PS - Drove around Aberdeenshire some last week. It's really gorgeous.
What gorgeous kids you have! And you look amazing in the photos too! Glad to have you back online - I've missed your posts!
I have been missing you, and happily welcome you back. Congratulations on the 2 graduations and the fact that they are both up-right excellent people. As everyone else has said, every chapter brings something new & wonderful.
I would go to Scotland in a heartbeat, if you can. Don't miss anything. sending xx's
You have been one busy lady and I'm sure this has been a super emotional time. I swear I can't imagine my little one graduating High School, but I know it'll be sooner than I'll be ready for - the years fly by. You have a lovely family and this next chapter will be a great one I'm sure! You are one fab lady Deb! Much love from me! xo Jenny
Deb, your blogs are the best and I can always relate to them. Such a great story and can't wait to read the next one. Judy
I have so been wondering how you are. So much happiness and sadness all rolled into one long stretch. I'm glad you are well. And, I'm excited for your next adventure. I know it will be fabulous! Have a great day.
Much love,
Congrats to you mama. Prayers going up that life throws at you just what you've been hoping for. Welcome back!
p.s. Our blog has moved! We would love for you to visit us at our new site: http://www.bonbonrosegirls.com/
Unfortunately, if you followed us with Google Friend Connect you'll have to re-follow but everything else is the same! Hugs, K
Deb ~
Gorgeous family with the matriarch being exceptionally beautiful!
I've come to realize that sometimes the things we have no control over and the unknowns usually turn out to be some of the best rides of our life! Enjoy it...
oh look at your beautiful children. We might complain a bit but boy we miss them when they are not around. I think your aunt looks like your mother? Or is it not the right side of the family? Anyway it is of course the love and memories which mean the most which is why it is so strange that we tend to play games with and get stressed about our families we shouldn't worry about that stuff we should just BE.
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. we have missed you, too. so excited to see you pop back up...congratulations to you and yours on your milestones...more fun, excitement and joy to come, just around the corner...
A bittersweet time in life, but such wonderful memories and exciting times ahead for all.
So glad to see you back but certainly understand the absence. Many celebration of life in different ways. It is hard being a mom with no kids at home, many times lonely, many times freeing. My youngest is a senior in college and the oldest will be getting married in the fall. New chapters in both lives, sad for mom. Life is good especially when we look for it!
Wonderful pictures that show a proud momma and a loving family! Your words were poignant.... It is these memories that are important and what we want to take with us as well as pass on...not the Manolos! Well said!
Welcome back Deb...so many changes all at once can spin your head around a bit can't they?! Wishing you peace, strength and yes, even joy in the days to come as you move forward into your new atmosphere...it will be wonderful.
Blessings to you and your beautiful family...
xo Jessica~
yay! glad to have you back!
you've definitely been busy. & you have wonderful photos to show for it. such a pretty family!
i am happy for you and your family.
it's 'ALL GOOD.'
and you my dearest...
look 'MAAH VE LOUS'!!!!!
love xx
What an exciting month you've had, Deborah! I've missed you! Congratulations to your graduates!
Please don't look at it as an empty home (you're not defined by your kids) but as a job well done and quality time for you and your husband. Now is when you can concentrate on YOU and where you would like to be.
It's freedom, Deb, or relatively so. Congratulations!
a beautiful journey of beginnings and endings, thank you for sharing these photographs for anyone close to their own family You can immediately feel the love and connections in these images. pgt
Look at those blonde hotties! I bet the heads were turning that day ;-)
Deb, thank you so much for sharing pictures of your beautiful family! Your kids are really lucky to have such a cool Mom, who is a beautiful person both inside and out :) It's wonderful that you are all able to spend this time together, and gather to remember your special Mum.
I've been kind of m.i.a. from commenting (although I have been reading), so sorry about that babe. Leaving for vacation tomorrow, but will catch up with you when I get back. XO, Marsi
YOU have had life's full dance card recently, haven't you? I can feel your inner angst...as well as your gratitude. I am sure that you are so proud of your kid-lets, but also a bit scared at what lies ahead. You are certainly not alone. Which is the beautiful thing about blogging....We all get to share one another's journey, at whatever stage of life we happen to be in. Stop, breathe and take it all in ~ you deserve it! xx Suzanne
Heres to a wonderful future for you! KG
Deb... Yeah! You're back... what a journey of SO many wonderful celebrations you've been on!! Your children are off to such amazing times in their lives and you have been the beautiful mom who has helped them along their way. Congrats to you and loving thoughts about your lovely mom.
oxo Barbara
Aloha my friend,
So glad I dropped into see you. Looks like I am packing up to leave Hawaii and we are headed for Southern Calif. Our three of four children who are still in school all voted to go back to our home state. I will miss Hawaii, it holds a lot of personal treasures for me, but I am glad to of had the time here as long as it lasted. We are in Limbo waiting for our commercial property to sell, it is maddening,but I am trying to be prayerful and patient , OK more prayerful ...all is well over all and I am really happy to see you are well too! drop in and visit
Aloha wishes
Well said girl!
Happy upcoming weekend!
What an emotional whirlwind you've been through.So glad you are back and even happier to have met you in person. Thanks for the surprise visit, your daughters are delightful too just like their mom. You are all welcome up to country anytime!! Maryanne and Peter xo
Beautiful photos and even more special are the memories. Whatever path you take I am sure it will be the right one...and Sande is right, the 'empty nest' is not so bad, just different. xv
I am glad to hear you are well and on the road for your next journey in life. Congratulations on the graduations of your children (what a stunning family you have!).
You have been missed!
Congratulation to the graduates. What a gorgeous family. You certainly have the right attitude, and I'm sure this next step will be a fabulous adventure!
Oh Deb,
You must be so proud. Our children do provide us with some wonderfully happy moments, don't they ?
A very busy family time and, although some was very sad, it does us good to catch up with the members of our family that maybe we don't see very often.
Whatever turn your life takes in the future, I know that it will be a good one so, be positive and look towards the future. With much love. XXXX
I loved seeing these pictures! I know that life's journey is never predictable and those who end up living very secure monotone lives envy those who embrace change. I'm sure you'll have plenty of adventures in the future. Of course I'm still rooting for you to come to Scotland ;-)
Yeah Deb!!!!!
A huge congratulations to you and yours and can I say that I'm thrilled you're back!! It sucked without you :)
You are a beacon of light in blogland and it's just not the same without you...
I'm on the same timeline as you in my journey and I'm with you in spirit all the way until we make our virtual connection a reality next Spring!!!!
Love you lots and am so happy for all the milestones reached in the last couple months for all of you.
God Bless,
Ilove your blog and am happy that you are back. these milestones of life that we go through make us stronger, happier, and sometimes at a loss. BUT, what they do is make us who we are. I am happy and sad for you but know that you will be fine. Lovely family, really. I have lost my mother and husband in the last four months so it has been a bit crappy (actually very hard) but getting on with life and not sure where I might end up. An adventure? yes. God bless you and thanks for visiting my blog.
it's all about family and the love we have, isn't it? sounds like your life has been overflowing as of late...drink it up and enjoy the sweet taste and memories.
I loved raising kids but it's such a wonderful time now that they are basically on their own. I can share the adventures that I'm having with them and enjoy listening to what's happening in their lives as well. It's a new chapter in our lives ...can't wait to see what happens next!
So great to hear from you again and loved your pic's, so nice of you to share these wonderful highlights and touching moments.
As you can see I'm dragging my ass these days but better late than never.
hugs and xxx DJ
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