The Ultimate Paint Guide by House Beautiful
features big, bold color photos, expert advice from designers, and more than 500 paint color swatches. Here's a glimpse of the goods....

HB's new bookazine available @ $9.99 - national bookstores, retail stores, and
airport terminals.
So put that electric martini maker down now and GO grab your copy. Nothing beats a the old-style magazine to hold in your hands, unless it's a cocktail of course.
go forth & shop responsibly
{buy only what you need - be green, think smart}
images; housebeautiful.com; apartmenttherapy.com; lifeinstyle.typepad.com; stockphoto.com
thanks so much! I am going to order it now. Hope this finds you well and wonder how the decisions are going? Take care, I care.
My son and I were just looking through hundreds of paintchips this morning looking for a fun color for his ceiling ( we tried that Kate Spade duct tape idea, didn't work out so good ! ) Thank you for the the heads up on this book !
Thank you also for the touching comment on yesterday's Father Day post. So sweet. XO Lisa
lawdy, I need that read....
I saw this last week.
Oooh, I need to get one of these books! Lovely! xo Jenny
I agree with the others, I think I need that book. IF, that is, as represented by your post, they have the paint colour name and splodge and THEN a picture of it in situ. Great idea. Hope you are well. xoxo
Now this is a book I can get behind. Those black and aqua rooms are both calling out to me! High time I started living within walls painted some color other than white...
These colours are so gorgeous and inspiring...I'm going to have to check out this book! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my recent design, it meant so much to me! Have a wonderful evening. :)
Snagged it off the shelves at HEB a few weeks ago. Can't wait to try some of the colors out -- it's so nice to have the infinite choices of color out there distilled to the best possible options.
Hope all is well Deb!
My favorite part of HG magazine each month is dreaming of WHERE I would change the paint in my home to one of the ones that are featured that particular month!
So, this book would be one BIG favorite for me! xx Suzanne
Wow, now you knew an artist would love this book!! Thank you!
Art by Karena
This book is certainly a must have!! Janell
Terrific Post, something we all needed. Karena's right.
looks like a good read. I do like the House Beautiful books
As always a great post. i must get that book indeed, especially as I am starting a few new projects. Hope you are enjoying your summer, we have been blessed with beautiful spring days in Connecticut, unlike France where they are dealing with terrible floods, cold, endless rain.
Hi Deb,
Well, I think that that would be $9.99 well spent. I shouldn't think that we will get it over here though.
Hope all's well with you and will email again soon. Lots of love. XXXX
What a deal! Looks like a good one for the decor book library!
xo xo
Thanks for the great tip! I hope some of those interior shots are in the book; I need some help!
Hi, Deb! I swear I was just thinking about you and then your comment popped up! :) I flipped through this at B&N recently and I don't know why I didn't just buy it. It so needs to be in my library. Thanks for coming by today, it's always so nice to hear from you. :)
My favorite was "Observe". That is KEY b4 the can is emptied on your walls!! Great post :)
Dearest Deb
Another fab post.. and love love colour.. as you know!!
and strangely am always drawn to the pinks when you post them!!! beautiful.. Well I wonder if we can get this book here.. must have a look ....
Have a wonderful week my friend.. xxx Julie
Hey there, Deb!
It's been waaay too long since I've dropped by, and I'm sorry about that. Truly. It's just been the usual "life happens" kind of junk around here that has kept me from spending more time in the ol' blogosphere. Hey, that rhymed! Cool.
Anyway, neat post! Our place could sure use a few new coats of paint slapped around. A little here, there... EVERYWHERE! I must look into this HB paint book-a-zine. ;)
you are so clever.
love this post.
I absolutely HAVE to pick up a copy -- not only because I love colour, but because this modern gal doesn't want any more 'oops' paint episodes either!!
So good to have pop by DT :-) I've been a bit delinquent with the blog rounds lately myself -- between school and summer stuff, there isn't a lot of time to spend on the computer. But I'll be sure to stop by for regular visits :-)
Boy I could have used this about a year ago!
Will it make me want to pick all new colors? Maybe...but that's a risk I'm willing to take!
xo J~
Well I know that graduation is over for your babies and I was wondering how you were handling things. OK, I really stopped by to see if you're home or out running around again with Steve McQueen. But then he messaged me and said you were home pretending to be domestic and talking about paint colors. See i'm not so sure because you say that the HB Color book is available in airport terminals...hmmm
Now my dear, let me tell you that I have missed you and been thinking about you too. Your tribute to your dear sweet mother brought me to uncontrollable tears and then you brought me back with your "old soul" advice that those of us who are lucky enough to know you, hold near and dear to our hearts.
Be happy, be well, be strong, and mix me a martini too!
xo Lisa
Awesome find Deb, thanks for bringing it to our attention!!
I treasure the beautiful comments you left on my blog :)
You are the most fabulous gal... I hope you know that.
Love you!!
Cute Cute post! I have not bought this yet but it is definitely on my list.
Fabulous, Deborah! I haven't seen it, but will definitely get it. What a brilliant idea.
Hi Deb great post, I love this book, found it at...Costco??...and agree with all you said..
another brilliant post by you
Lord, I could have used that book before I painted one wall, 5 different colours in one week!
Your blog, and blog name, is fabulous. So glad we hooked up!
Oh this is perfect for me right now! I have swatches all over my bedroom trying to figure out which one will work....I am off to get this!
Have a fabulous weekend filled with colour...
Oh! Deb darling, I miss you so very much, I truly do. It is so mind-boggling for me to have befriended with a total stranger over a blog and whom I have come to deeply care for, pray for, and wish all the best, all the time. I often think of you and wonder how you are doing. I think about your dad and pray for our dads to have the patience to endure their lonely lives. And of course I send a prayer up to heavens for our mums.
I pray to have my tranquil life back so that I can return to blogging and to my friends, especially you. My life has been a constant storm a nightmare really. But I still find room to be grateful, for all I have, for my friends, for my good health and that of my children, family and friends.
Deb darling, I thank you so very much for your support during a time when I need it the most. Each comment you have left for me has been so full of sweet words, kind and loving thoughts and prayers, and each brought grateful tears to my eyes. I treasure our friendship and pray that one day you and I can sit down face to face over a nice cup of tea and simply talk and talk!!
I am delighted to be back blogging again and look forward to our daily visits. Take care my friend. I wish you a sunny and happy summer full of blessings.
Love & Hugs
lovely! adore everything reto! think pink, right! hehe :)
Swatches of paint make me melt...
i have this book! it's a great book, as i like to read designers reasons for using certain colours. the only wierd thing was that as i was looking some up, i had my fan deck next to me and the colours in the book and the pantones on the deck were way off.... but i still look through it ;)
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