
passion is in fashion

* liz and richard *

No, I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. ....

you should be kissed and often,
and by someone who knows how.
- Rhett Butler/Gone with the Wind

Happy, lazy weekend sweet friends xx

Go Forth & Live Responsibly
{make memories happen}

** Liz Taylor & Richard Burton; twice married, fiery passionate - photo from the fabulous blog, The Golden Age of Hollywood. A true delight for the eyes and for your memories.


Kalee said...

Oh, swoon. Doesn't every girl want to be kissed by the dashing Rhett Butler. That is the stuff that dreams are made of kids!

Anonymous said...

kissing scenes are the best. i don't need nekkid bodies. just give a steamy on screen makeout session to turn up the heat in a movie.
have a fabulous, kissy-kissy weekend beautiful deb!

Jane said...

oh how I love feisty stubborn Scarlett and ruthless but soft in the middle Rhett. Kissing is the best. Happy weekend Deb xoxo

Splenderosa said...

Deb, you absolutely blow me away!! Doesn't Russell Crowe remind you of Richard Burton? And, how do you think Angelina Jolie will do as Cleopatra? xx's

caroline duke said...

I KNOW. that blog kills me in its delightfulness. such a perfect distraction on a crappy day at work.

mimi charmante said...

something about this post got me. oh, to be kissed like that...
happy happy weekend my friend - enjoy every moment!

AJ at OFLBlog said...

That line from Rhett is one of the BEST ever....kissing is as essential as recharging a car battery - when the battery is low and then dead, the lights go off and the music on the radio fades away as well - so here's to a weekend full of delicious puckers! oxoxoxo

Millie said...

I still remember the moment 17 years ago when MOTH bent down a long way & I stood on tippie toes to meet him for that first scrumptious smooch!! I'm off to hunt him down for a rerun!
Millie ^_^

My Dog-Eared Pages said...

You are the best Deb! Happy weekend you to you too! Thoughts of smooching... what a fab way to head into a weekend. ;) xx

SpryOnTheWall said...

Why, oh why did she pine over Ashley when Rhett obviously was the man for her? Makes me angry every time, I need to get over it. "Rhett, Rhett, where ever shall I go, whatever shall I do?" We all know the rest - LOL!

Jen said...

I think that's whats wrong with me too!! ;-)

ashlina {the decorista} said...

i LOVE this photo oh so much. have a great weekend too love. xo

annechovie said...

Great quote, Deb! hope you have a super wknd. xx

Barbara said...

So true, Deb. Richard Burton was such a wicked man and a perfect foil for Liz. I bet she still pines for him.
We all pine to be kissed by someone who knows how! And we've all had those who do and those who don't.
Ah well. C'est la vie.

La Dolfina said...

I'm sending you a great big mushy kiss Deb because I love you too much!!!

Cashon&Co said...

you know i think i need to watch that movie again. as an older adult. i can't remember the last time i watched Gone with the Wind, but i must of been too young to appreciate dialogue like that. That quote by Rett is one of the most gorgeous and intense movie quotes i've heard, so now i need to see him say it. wow. what a line.

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

Sigh... yes, to be kissed by someone that knows how. Ha.. ha..


Beadboard UpCountry said...

How fun! Kiss Kiss!!!!!!!You know Rhett was right. Not everyone knows how.....Maryanne xo

red ticking said...

fabulous post... and appropriate timing... i got a really good kiss today!
kisses are great fun... have a wonderful weekend... xx pam

Kellie Collis said...

Such a fun post! Have a gorgeous weekend! x

Tish Jett said...

Oooooh, just what I needed. I shall now leave the computer and take your advice.

Merci par avance.


Jacqueline @ HOME said...

What a wonderful way to spend the weekend, Deb !! Do we have to do ir all weekend or can we come up for air sometimes ?!!
Thanks for your lovely comment on my giveaway post and for putting it on your sidebar. You are one in a million Deb....kind, generous and a lovely friend. You were one of the first blogs that I found and I am so pleased that I did.
I hope that your weekend was full of kisses !! Lots of love and cheers my dear !! XXXX

Renée Finberg said...

that looks like a movie still from 'who's afraid of virginia wolfe?'
i don't remember her being very kissable in that film.
