"I Spy"
It's hard to pin-point the moment when I came to the realization that window treatments with pattern were making a reoccurring appearance with abundance on the current design scene. Please don't worry about being the first or the last to correct me should I be blatantly wrong with this assumption. Yes of course there has always been the patterned sheers, the Dorothy Draper/Waverly type floral as such, but more than ever you see the graphics, the large scale florals and everything in between.
Today's look just perhaps may be a flashback to the 50's barkcloth with it's 'The Jetsons' (atomic) style designs or the 60's Marimekko flower power and the 70's mod graphics.
From my perspective patterned drapes don't always scream 'grandma's lair'. They exude a comfortableness that welcomes you in and makes you want to stay for tea (perhaps with a shot of whiskey tossed in), yet makes a clear statement of your style-sense and sets the feel good factor for your room.
Pattern or no pattern on your windows? Pattern person or not? Let these gorgeous rooms help confirm your opinion or sway you to go bold.
Today's look just perhaps may be a flashback to the 50's barkcloth with it's 'The Jetsons' (atomic) style designs or the 60's Marimekko flower power and the 70's mod graphics.
From my perspective patterned drapes don't always scream 'grandma's lair'. They exude a comfortableness that welcomes you in and makes you want to stay for tea (perhaps with a shot of whiskey tossed in), yet makes a clear statement of your style-sense and sets the feel good factor for your room.
Pattern or no pattern on your windows? Pattern person or not? Let these gorgeous rooms help confirm your opinion or sway you to go bold.

Please share your design crush if you so desire? Where design is concerned there is no boundaries when it comes to passion.
**THANK YOU everyone for each & every comment you leave me; they make my day. Please forgive me as of late for my sad lack of reading and commenting on all your tremendous blogs. I hope you will not give up on me? I'm navigating through 2 of my children's graduations coming up and my mother's memorial service in Washington. If anyone out there has recently opted for the cloning process, please let me know how it worked for you. This balancing act of mine is not receiving good reviews!
{go forth & live responsibly}
discover your wild-side
with pattern
discover your wild-side
with pattern
*photo of SR Gambrel via the NY Social Diary
Can't say I go either side, I just love drapes whether pattern or plain if the room calls for it, I think it's the falling fabric that makes for a warm and finished room. Have a good weekend and there is no balancing act when life gets that busy.....sometimes you just have to get through it. Have fun though and enjoy. XO
I well understand your absence, my husband just passed away, I am trying to finish my living room, trying to handle all of the things that must be handled when someone dies and have yet to sit quietly and make out the bills. Yikes! You are forgivien. :)
Fantastic images! And you managed to get all those great pics up with all that you have going on? Please, be kind to yourself!
I'm so glad that patterned curtains are back in a big way -- the sad, soft browns and taupes of the 90s have FINALLY been replaced with something more fun. I adore fabric, so in my book, the more I can use of the prints I love, the better.
I have patterned and non patterned curtains at home. I think it depends a lot on what else is going on in the room. Too much pattern is no good for anyone.
As for the balancing it is hard when you feel you are doing so much and perhaps not doing it all as well as it should be. Priority has to go to your dear mother's service and your children.
Dump the blog for a week or two.
i think i have a design crush on him as well.
deb, these images are too fabulous. i think i have picked up a few ideas too. thanks for getting my creative juices pumping.
luv x
For me? Pattern, pattern and more pattern.
And design crush...? John Fowler, Sister Parish, Nancy Lancaster, Geoffrey Bennison... on and on.
i am so sorry to hear about your mother... and my darling... if you have any time to spare while you are here... i will welcome you with open arms!
God bless you and your family... xoxo
What a wonderful post on window treatments (first visit)...it's not my realm of expertise and I have quite a few bare windows staring me down this very moment wondering when I am going to dress them. The inspiration was much needed and perfect, thank you.
Very sorry about your mother...thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
xo Jessica~
Dear Deb,
After living through 'The Laura Asley Years', I think I overloaded on prints but, it is certainly back with a vengance. You have shown som wonderful and inspiring examples here, giving us all something to think about. Lots of our windows have shutters, but I'm sure that I can find one to do the pattern treatment on. Hope that the graduation preparations run smoothly. It sounds as if you are being pulled both ways at the moment. What with your mum's memorial service imminent, you are obviously feeling the pressure. Don't worry about comments and posts. Real lfe is much more important and, we will all be here when the pace of your life settles down. Lots of love to you, Deb. XXXX
I want to but I don't think I can....I admire patterned window treatments in other people's homes but I just haven't managed to do them myself yet. I think I am boring and need to re-think it all! As for commenting...no-one can keep up all the time and I am sure we all understand that. xv
Good morning! Thank you for wandering over to call when you have so much you are striving to achieve at the moment. I decided to make a return call to your blog to visit and I loved your profile bio, which led me in the door : ) I lived in Walla Walla WA for a short time as a little girl and remember going to "The Bon!" {Wonder if they still exist or have gone the way of the other elegant retail establishments?} Now. CURTAINS. I love them and am would have more if I had time to make them. They are tres expensivo if you like them like I do--full enough to draw across at night and almost floor to ceiling. My master bedroom is crying out for some now. Thank you for this inspiring collection of images as it's got me thinking about firing up the sewing machine.....Although, like you, it is such a balancing act to get it all in. Have to start my days at 5AM and last night didn't get to bed until almost midnight. But, as all of your other dear readers have said, it's about priorities. Sounds like yours are right where they should be. So, so sorry about your mother and hope that you are coping the best way possible. I'm looking forward to visiting you again! xx P&H
Here here to colour and pattern in curtaining - the more the better! Thanks for reminding me and good luck with your busy week......KG
Gorgeous! Now I have to get myself some new curtains!!! Oh and Steven Gambrel --- SUCH a talent...sigh.
XX katie
I love pattern in window treatments. These are some fantastic examples of how much impact pattern can make in a room.
Of course we will never give up on you, good luck with your busy days! It seems many of us are entering into somewhat of a busy time, I know that I will very soon as well.
Such gorgeous patterns you have posted here. I really like the House & Gardens as well as the Tobi Farley, they look beautiful!
Hi precious Deb, no patterned draperies for me ever again, been there, done that. Monochromatic is my style now, in apparel & decorating. This is just so so so 70's & I don't think I want to do that again. Now, if I could be that age again...well, that's completely different, isn't it? xx's
i used to be rather scared of patterns, but i am coming around. i have started wearing more, and next up will be adding patterned decor.
Thank you Deb! I'm sure there will be 'pink cotton candy trees' in some form or another awaiting you when you return home (right now the dogwoods and apple blossoms are doing there thing!)...xo J~
Hi Deb~
I do love the House & Gardens images, but I must admit that we do not have any window coverings in our home. Crazy, eh? We live in a building that receives such incredible light, and we have such amazing privacy from anything, so we just said to heck with it! But the next home, I'm ready to hang some curtains, and I do hope the windows are very large and with great height because flowing tall fabrics really make me happy!
Speaking of fabrics, you are in big trouble for introducing me to such a find ~ I'm hooked! Will be placing an order this week! Thank you!
Loved the story of your daughter's spring coat, and I hope she has fond memories of being such a fashionista by her mom's hands!
Wishing and sending you lots of restful and peaceful energy your way. Never worry, I'll always be here when you return.
I say yes to pattern, on walls or curtains but not both. And that's a WONDERFULLY WONDERFUL round armchair in one of your images. Now I want one of them so much. How are you guys faring with your move to Scotland?
On my windows? Wide shutters. Every single window. The answer to everything in Florida!
But I do have some marvelous patterned wallpapers! And a lovely islandy pale blue and white fabric on my bedroom walls.
What's the news on your move, Deb?? We need an update!
Deb, sometimes I love pattern like the large paisley in Steven Gambrels rooms. Other times none at all or a very simple understated design or tailored treatment. If they don't distract too much from the other fabrics and the art!
Art by Karena
I so understand juggling and spinning plates. It sounds like you've needed a break. Blog friends are so understanding and supportive when an absence is needed - we'd never give up on you. Thinking of you. Rita
PS I have stripes and patterns, so obviously I'm liking what I see on your post.
It does sound as if you have a lot going on...so sorry to hear about your Mother..
Thanks for all the great photos and inspiration. Take care of yourself!
Dear Deb
Well I can quite understand how busy you are and certainly your mum's memorial service and your children come first... I too have been absent in blogland for various reasons and find it hard to keep up/catch up.... I;m sure all our lovely followers will still be here when you have time....
Just look at this wonderful post! who'd want to miss out on this!! You've enticed me with the pinks today.. all the House and Garden images and I think Mise has her eye on my chair... it'll be a fight for it!!! Take care dear Deb and thank you for posting my giveaway and your lovely words... you're the best!! xxx Julie
Great collection of rooms with patterned curtains (and other patterned pieces too!!) I realized recently that we don't have much pattern in our house, although we do have a lot of colour. I've been focusing on adding pattern to some of our rooms. It really makes a big difference.
I have two big design crushes at the moment -- although they could change at any time!! I'm loving black steel framed windows and kitchen windows that come right down to the counter. I'm planning to write posts about both soon :-)
Have a good weekend :-)
I guess you spied a lot!!!!!! I love the drapery in the sixth picture and funny, that second one looks like a Liberty of London print that a client of mine brought in yesterday! Great post! Maryanne xo
I can't decide which room I like best!! they are all so incredible in their own ways. love, love, love them. I'll have to go back and study them for a bit.
Oh lovely, all of them. Those green chairs are amazing and brave...now that's a lot of pattern :)
Ah i adore pattern on pattern on pattern! Can't get enough of it! xx
Oh yes, go bold, go bold! I ADORE wallpaper and patterns, where every now and again I like to look at a nice clean white room, I am ALL about color! LOVED this post!
Hello Hello! I love this trend, pattern on the curtains? Yes please. Steven Grambel, yes please!
Hi Deb...I am a minority as i am most definitely a no type, even if i really like the work of Steven Gambrel.ps.you can see my showroom pieces in your photo of Thom filiccia's room...
cloning...wish i could clone myself 3 ways...2 graduations at once is quite a lot to handle. my thoughts will be with you during your mother's memorial service. i am off to visit mine this month.
Oh you have included so many great examples, I'm thinking of doing a pattern or two .. you have encouraged me.
Try and take it easy and don't worry!
hugs DJ
Thanks for reminding me that I need to hem my drapes. I was going by the notion that you are supposed to let linen hang for a while before you hem. I think they have pooled enough since last summer! shhhh!
xo Lisa
I love all these gorgeous patterned curtains you've chosen so why do I always stick to plain neutrals - I wish I knew! Leigh
I like the Steven gambrel Room with the grass cloth on the wass. I have always liked that look in an office or entry. Good post .
Just want to let you know that we're having a Mother's Day giveaway over at DesignTies. Drop by if you have a minute and enter to win a beautiful Lisa Leonard necklace :-)
What a great selection of rooms. I don't think i have a design crush on anyone per say, but I adore modernist furniture. Nevertheless, my tastes are pretty eclectic.
Have a wonderful Mother's day this weekend.
*kisses* HH
I personally stray from patterns but that's because I get bored easily and if I opted for a patterned curtain, I'd most likely want to take it down and replace it with another every month. Having said that, I don't have issues with patterns in general, but I do think a lot depends on the rest of the interiors. Anything too matchy-matchy would bug me. You either have to stick with a simple decor or have clashing patterns. I think the examples you showed were excellent!
Love the images...all are gorgeous. What I like most is that while the designs are bold, vibrant or colorful the window treatments themself are simple...which I like!
How did I almost miss this post?!? I love a touch of pattern in drapes, I think it adds a little something to a room, much like wallpaper as opposed to paint. When done properly (as witnessed in all of these beautiful images!) it can look wonderful. You have inspired me to make a few changes around the Lemontree household!
Hope all is going well with the graduations and your mother's memorial. Take your time, we will all be here waiting for you when you are ready!
Hi Deb, You have shared some gorgeous rooms and designs with us! I love it all, pattern, no pattern..it just depends on the room. Now I am into solid glamourous full window treatments that just puddle on the floor like a ball gown, I really do pretend I am Marie Antoinette, without all the drama :) In some rooms I love pattern, its all good.
Take care and try and rest
I now want to redo all my window treatments. I hope you're doing ok lady! Many congrats to your kiddos!
Girlie, you are far better than I am at keeping up with everything. Congratulations on two kids graduating - that's exciting! My most sincere apologies for not commenting more quickly. I often read your post, then go back a few days later and re-read it, then comment (your posts are so fun & inspiring, I find that they are even better when I have time to think about them and experience them a second time).
Not only are these rooms gorgeous, but your timing is perfect! I have been searching for just the right patterned drapes for my office for three months now (since we repainted it, I refused to re-hang the old drapes and as such we have been living in a fish-bowl). I also want new drapes for the living room, and I really want a bold pattern in there as well. I'm starting to think that I'll just have to buy fabric and have my Mom make some for me. Take care sweetie! XO, Marsi
It's always amazing to see how much curtains can change the mood of a room. Great photos.
You chose to highlight some lovely rooms, Deb! As for drapery with a printed fabric... I just finished sewing a set for my dining room and plan on hanging them this weekend. My fabric has a bit of a 70s retro feel (I think anyway) and I love it!
It's taken me forever to get over here and thank you for commenting on my Scotty post - I laughed when you suggested that he needs his own sitcom! HaHa!!
Be sure to drop by DesignTies because we're having a Mother's Day Giveaway!!
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