
Blog Dodger

I've been toiling and trailing.........

and wondering what 7 things I could possibly say that would amuse my talented, intelligent, creative readers about me.

After all, it's not as if I'm shy, if not an open book. I'm an average girl, living an average life, with average attributes.

But, I've come to conclusion that I don't deal well with accolade. I'm not sure what to do with it and feel sometimes uneasy. Bye no means do I want anyone to think I am not grateful. Each and every award and kind word that has come my way leaves me profoundly honored. Rest assured that passing these wonderful awards on is the hardest of tasks. The number of bloggers who deserve 'accolade' grows bye leaps and bounds causing one to feel uneasy trying to choose.

But, the show must go on and I need to step-up to the plate.

Thank you for the 'Real Award' Renee Finberg. This is why I have adored reading Renee's blog (Renee Finberg Tells All in Her Blog of her Adventures in Design) and getting to know her because of her undying honestly, unending hilarity and, well...she's real; real fabulous in my book.

Not only a magnificently talented designer, accomplished horsewoman,& mom, but she's also my twin sister separated at birth and held hostage at two opposite ends of the United States.

I was honored with the Kreativ Blogger award from Jaime Rogers. Jaime has been marked as one of Florida's young designers to watch. She is lead designer for Doxa Design Group and also has a magnificent online boutique by the same name loaded with furnishings and accessories for your home that literally blows your panty hose right off. I have one complaint about Jaime; she is so humble and so kind that she sets a huge standard for us all to follow.

The lovely 'Sunshine Award' was given by Kitty @ Kitty's Zen of Homekeeping, Kitty's Shindigs and Soirees, Kitty's Organic Orgy, & Of Cabbages and Kings.

This hip Indiana, yoga, mom, previous party planner, is our champion to help us all save ourselves from the "greenwash" of America one post at a time. She is genuine, caring & I value her opinion immensely. Thank you Kitty for all you do and continue to do.

Many thanks to artist, designer Yvonne of La Petite Gallery for the Kreative Blogger Award. Yvonne just happens to be the 'mum' of dear Renee Finberg. Yvonne lives in Spruce Head, Maine and writes about so many fascinating subjects from art to architecture. She's one of the blogger's I know the least and that is purely my fault for my lack of blogging in the recent months. Yvonne, I hope to be visiting you more in the months/years ahead.

Pam of Red Ticking was so gracious to also give me the 'Sunshine Award'.

Pam wrote that she likes this award because it's
"cheery, kind and loving... it shows that we offer so much to one another". Pam is living her dream owning a vintage interior store in the Emerald City, Seattle. She is in my top 10 of bloggers that I look forward to meeting someday and telling her in person how I have appreciated her kindness, warmth, and her positive energy.

The Unknown Seven of Dumbwit Tellher

* I grew-up in the town of Snohomish, Washington (repeat 6 times after your dry martini). Sno*ho*mish is aprox. 40 minutes North of Seattle.

we like to think of ourselves as "Snoh-ho's"

As a child I use to get my hair permed
(fried actually)in the basement of this home.

* In a previous life I'm convinced I was Irish. Celtic music makes me crazy happy. It's as if your soul does a jig. I'm in awe at those that can listen and not move a foot or shake a leg. How do they do that?

Wish I played the fiddle

* My tombstone will read,
"Death by Dr. Pepper"
must contain pure cane sugar

* I envy those with no regrets.
My cart runneth over.

* Mid-Century Modern Architecture
is my crack cocaine

* My mother was 5' 10" and always wore heels and a fabulous hat. She use to sing so loud at church that I wanted to crawl under the pew. I can't remember if I ever saw my mother cry? I miss her more than I ever thought possible.

* As a child I use to spend almost every summer fishing in Havre, Montana. With bait box, fig-newtons, and 7-Up in tow, we'd while away the those sunny summer hours. Rattle snakes, no mind - you'd just run to the car and wait until he found another spot to sunbathe. I'd typically catch my limit and a few extra freckles too.

* Olympic medalist(#8) USA Speed Skater - Apollo Ohno's father Yuki gave me my first 'Dorothy Hamill' haircut in Seattle in 1976.

My No.7
For the passing on part of the program - Therefor I *pass the 'Kreative Blogger' & 'Sunshine Awards' to the following folks -

"You inspire, I reminisce, we recall, I laugh, I'm grateful, I'm honored, I admire" = blissful blogging

* Please chose one and pass on if you desire,
no balloon strings attached.

The 'Real Award' I chose to pass on to the
Duchess of Rose Tea Cottage.

When the Duchess' mother passed her Aunt Millie gave her some very valuable words of advice to move forward with her life in the midst of her much loved mothers absence. Duchess was kind enough to pass Aunt Millie's message on to me in an email. Aunt Millie's advice was as if she knew me personally. I have since forwarded Aunt Millie's advice to a few others and will continue to do so to give solace to anyone I can during such a devastating time in their lives.
Once again Duchess, I thank you deeply ♥

THANK YOU to all - readers & bloggers;
no one touches my daily life like you all do.

{go forth & live responsibly}
give praise
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Toad said...

I'm flattered, I'm speechless, I thank you.

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh wow, you do awards so well ... I get in such a state trying to choose who to pass them on to that I just don't now...hat's of honey.

I've got a post coming up that was shot out front of the house with the aqua doors pictured here. Unfortunately it's not real clear, I've worked on it but still not great.

Your Mom sounds so lovely,

A Refocused Life said...

I enjoyed your list. It's so fun to get to 'really' know the heart, soul, past, and present of the people that we don't even know by face. I think it must be a little like being blind...it makes us want to find other ways to 'see' the person with whom we communicate.

Congratulation on your awards - they are well deserved.

red ticking said...

whew... now that was a post! bravo for accepting your awards... you absolutely deserve each and everyone... and i will LOVE meeting you someday soon... and i cannot believe you are from snohomish...
come back! xx

Jg. for FatScribe said...

shoot ... now you're the gracious goddess as well. kudos, champ, on all of those wonderful accolades! (and thanks so very much for visiting the ole porkster; even once made it a better place.) loved this post -- so cool to learn some little known insights into what makes Dumbwit Tellher tick. stay inspired, DT!

A Gift Wrapped Life said...

I say enjoy them as they are well-deserved. Speading all that blog love can only be a good thing which reminds me I have some to catch up on too. Have the best weekend. XO

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Deb
Congratulations on your many awards.. all so well deserved. It is always great to pop over here and be entertained with your fabulous humour, informative posts and stunning images!! Like all your posts you have managed to bring style to this one also.. Great to hear a bit more about you Deb.. and even the things you wish you could do!! I think what we wish for does make up who we are... Love the family photo!! Take care and congrats again... xx Julie

James said...

Thank you, I'm extremely honored! It was wonderful to learn more about you. I love the Olympic hair cut connection. But you had me at the motorcycle picture!

Mise said...

Your mother sounds like a wonderful person. That's her in the photo? She was lovely and glamorous, and how right she was to sing loud. For being her daughter, I hereby pronounce you an honorary Irishwoman.

Cashon&Co said...

You deserve every one of those awards lovely! And I LOVED reading about you and your childhood! Those descriptions along w/ the pictures really made it all come alive.

Anonymous said...

Love learning more about you daaaaaahling. Congrats on your awards, you totally deserve them.
I understand the DrPepper thing, mine is diet coke LOL. And Krispy Kremes are my crack (wish it was architecture, then i might be thinner).
Have a wonderful weekend.
*kisses* HH

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! i don't know what to say/write!??!?! i'm just rocking back and forth in my chair with my thumb in my mouth with honor.
you are hysterical and beyond creative. so funny as i was reading yours i was thinking to myself "damn she's so good, i could never do this." and then bam there's my silly name.
i'll try to not embarrass you. i'm going to go binge eat first.
love to you goddess,

My Dog-Eared Pages said...

Oh my Deb. I am speechless... and honored and WOW! I love that you are finally embracing your accolades. The minute I first landed here, I was lifted-up by your authentic wit and absolute fabulous ability to connect! I thank you. ox

Janet said...

I can't say Snohomish sober, let alone after a martini. Loved your post. I had forgotten about the Dorothy Hammil hair cut. ;)

Jane said...

darling Deb I have had a busy busy week and more to come! I loved reading your post, the images and so on. You are such an interesting kind person. And in so many ways you love what I love. And thank you so much for passing on that award to me, it is very kind. I would be happy with just one reader if it was you!!! xoxoxox

BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Deb,
Congratulations on your well deserved awards and your list was so great, especially your sweet little hat and your beautiful mother.
You did a great job on your acceptance speech/post - you have such a grand way with words!
Bon weekend

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Congrats Deb!
Your tombstone is too funny!!!
oops~ that doesn't sound right, death & funny shouldn't be in the same sentence no?!
Great weekend beautiful!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

DEar Deb,
Well done on all of the wonderful awards that have been bestowed upon you. You certainly are a popular girl !
I love your 7 things. I too miss both of my parents everyday. I love the photo of you with your mum and dad and, I wish that I had been there to see your permed hair. Have you got a close up shot of that somewhere in your archives ?!! Haha.
Love to you and Graham and am thinking of you. Take care Deb. XXXX

Visual Vamp said...

I loved you before I knew 7 things about you, and now I love you more.
xo xo

Unknown said...

This was a great read Deb, what a good post....well done on all your awards.

I love reading the 7 things about you too :)

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the lovely comments you have left me recently - and for the lovely comment you left my friend Jenni, she was so touched - your words are so heartfelt and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate them.

Best wishes to you :)

Barbara said...

Good work Deborah! You won a ton of awards. Be proud (humble, whatever) everyone loves you so much!

Love the photo of your mother in the hat. When my mother died, we found the entire top shelf of her closet filled with hats! I don't think I have worn one more than three times this year. (And hats for warmth only don't count)

But mostly I loved that Apollo Ohno's dad gave you a haircut!!! I mean, how small a world is this???

La Petite Gallery said...

This was a fun blog.
#1 Love Mamma and the Hat.
#2 I am a Dr Pepper fan.
#3 Like happy Celtic music and hope to hear a good band this month.
#4 I had the Hamill haircut and loved it then came the wedge cut love it.

Great post


Haven and Home said...

Hi Deb,

This was a great post. We must be soul mates in the sense that my tombstone will read the same thing. I just included that love in a post coming this week. Right now we are dealing with the slow death of my Grandmother and I can see the toll it is taking on my Mother. If the advice is something that would help her please send it to me.



DolceDreams said...

What a great post, you have such wonderful wit, I am sure that an evening out with you must not be dull! I enjoy dropping by immensely...and was very interested to hear that Apolo Ohno's father does hair. I loved watching him (Apolo) at the Olympics.
You deserve every award and more,

Porchlight Interiors said...

Love your childhood home...sure would love to see some pics of the fried permed hair! Been there and done that myself! Tracey xx

Maria Jensen said...

Great list! What does one like me, have to do to get such award? It has now become my dream to get a blog award, but it seems that no one will give it to me :(

Great post, as always :)
Have a great weekend

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

What a witty and clever post. Congrads on all the awards and it is so fun to hear more about the author of a blog. Good stuff.


Anthony said...
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Averill said...

I love your 7, Deb! Your mother sounds like such a confident woman, the type of woman who reminds me of my own mother (who is 6'2", wore heels and sings louder than anyone I know!)

Anthony said...

Thank you so much, Deb!
You're too kind!

Since you did give us a choice, I picked the Sunshine Award. I personally think it looks better, you know, with the orange daisy against the blue sky... And I think it will aesthetically compliment my blog page a bit more than the other one would.

But that's just trivial stuff! What REALLY matters to me is that you continue to appreciate my blog like you do. Just having you as both a dedicated Follower and a regular commenter makes me happy, but to now also receive a 2nd award from you... Well, I just can't express how honored and fortunate I feel that someone appreciates my writing, humor and overall sense of fun enough to go out of their way to acknowledge it. And not just once, but TWICE!

Thanks, again, Dumbwit Deb!
You totally made my day!

Pop Circus Ringleader

P.S. -
Your Unknown 7 were great!

That snow-covered "perm house" was beautiful.
I, too, cannot relate to those who say they have no regrets. I think they're lying!
Mid-Century Modern is THE stuff, man. Did I ever mention to you that I live just a few blocks away from an entire neighborhood of Eichler homes? Many of them are owned by people who have lovingly restored the homes to their former glory, just like new!

And your mother... What a dear, sweet lady she must have been. Judging by that photo, she sure was pretty! And quite stylish, I might add! The shiny apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh? ;)

MFAMB said...

i loved reading about you!! i want more!!

Duchess of Tea said...

Congratulations on the well deserved awards my sweet friend. You bless so many people with your sweet kind words and your lovely blog.

Darling, I popped in to see how you are doing and to thank you for the popping in for a visit and leaving lovely comments behind even when I am unable to return the visit and you can imagine my shock when I saw your post. My friend, I am so honoured to receive this award from you and thank you for this eloquently written paragraph about me. I am totally speechless and teary eyes. I am sending you a million thanks folded in a huge embrace and laced with endless love my friend. It is my honour to call you that… a friend. Thank you. I will post this award on my blog and will cherish and treasure it forever.

Love & Hugs

Haute World said...

Congrats on all the awards! You truly deserve them and it was such a treat to read the 7 facts about you! I had no idea you were that addicted to Dr. Pepper ;-) And I admire you for being able to fish... that's one of those things I could never get in to (bored me to bits!).

DesignTies said...
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DesignTies said...

Such fun to read, Deb!
Being from the Pacific Northwest myself, I'm happy to say that I can easily pronounce Snohomish... even after a few drinks (I think!). Spelling it... that's another matter. I actually had to scroll back up to your post to copy and paste it!!
Loved the memories you shared about your Mom. I lost my Mom 5 years ago and miss her so very much.
And while I can't say that mid-century modern is an addiction for me, I can say that I LUV it very much and can totally, totally see the appeal!
Victoria @ DesignTies

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Congrats on all your much deserved awards. It was wonderful getting to know you better!

Renée Finberg said...


i loved this is post.
And who said you could tell the whole world about our D.H. haircuts?

love you!

bunny, The Paris House said...

Congrats on your well deserved awards Deb, you are so interesting and utterly delightful! I know you are going through a difficult time and want you to know we all care so much about you, your mom seemed amazing and she must have been to have a daughter like you, I know she is proud.

Katarina Kühl ~ PencilFashion said...

what a lovely post, i enjoyed every single fact :)
and thank you so much for your kind words, they mean so much to me!
i wish you a wonderful weekend!

*Chic Provence* said...

From the heart. I loved this post about yourself Deb. Every last word.



Duchess of Tea said...

Hello darling, just popped in to let you know that I posted my lovely award on my today's post. Thanks you my luv for this great honour.

Love & Hugs

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

You deserve all those awards! I didn't know you grew up in WA. I'm gonna have to check out Pam's shop in Seattle. Ah, mid-century architecture is my crack as well! ;) xo

SpryOnTheWall said...

Loved reading your 7 things! I'm totally with you on the Mid Century architecture - LOVE it!!!

C.J. said...

I too, can pronounce Snohomish, as I lived in the Seattle area for twenty five years, love your blog, I am now a follower, hey, my taste isn't just in my mouth. Take care

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