
House Hunters in Houston, Dumbwit Fashion

I couldn't sleep last Thursday evening. O.K I'll admit it, I've got the over 50 sleeplessness, but I've got my blogging and my few vices to keep me company in those wee hours of the morning.

Life for the dumbwit is not complicated. I've professed before that it does not take much to keep me happy. I'm a girl with simple needs and wants; content with sitting in my Betsey Johnson leopard print pajamas, my favorite blogs a key-stroke away, and my 'addiction' playing on my HD tellie, I was a peace. It was a particularly mind-blowing episode of HGTV's 'House Hunters' that kept me on the edge of my sofa as a young Dallas couple were on their hunt for a home in my beloved (high real estate values) Seattle.

The wife was annoying (in the entertaining sense) in her voracious desire for a house as big as her Texan home on their conservative $250,000. budget. The patient male Realtor was clinching his jaw so fervently his eyes were beginning to bulge. Honestly, the homes they were being gently 'introduced ' to, were a mere 900 sq. ft. and below, ouch!

As the young woman stated once more "home's are bigger in Texas", the purple faced Realtor smartly replied, "then I would consider selling some furniture". The Realtor in me stood up and yelled, "nice one". Now of course the suspense was mounting, and it was down to the obligatory picking the #1 house out of the 3  shown, The husband and wife were weighing their likes and dislikes, pros and cons.

It was at that deciding second I was rudely besieged by the shouting 'Police Women of Dallas'. I love a good wrestle to the ground like anyone, but it was the Dallas couple on House Hunters who I wanted to witness have their smackdown, not the ladies uniformed in blue.

Story told (in this case untold) HGTV (Scripps Networks) and our cable provider, AT & T UVerse, had their own smackdown at the negotiating table and for 3 days HGTV was yanked from the UVerse airways. As for AT & T, they are scheduled to be discontinued from our home. No one drops HGTV...no one.

Don't tell AT & T but I've never accomplished so much as I did during those 3 days.

I suspect many of us have a insatiable desire to house hunt?  We don't have to buy, we can just look, right? I hope you enjoy my hunt for the some of Houston's finest to bring to you.

Don't stop here there's lots to look at!

I risked humiliation from not so pleased homeowners and neighbors for stalking and photographing their high valued neighbor. Honestly it is beyond gorgeous.

I was even honked at as I risked snapping photos incognito.

It may of just been the Canon camera strapped across the husbands chest with it's 5" zoom lens that may of spoke loudly, "these people do not live here"?

we were under the impression that toting along our cute wee dog would of been diversion enough from our snapping photos right and left. So terribly wrong....

sprinklers, never you mind; well worth getting wet to snap shots for my readers.

brave bold color choice for entry door.

Now it's your turn, which house would you pick? 
This story I want the end to!
{go forth and shop responsibly}
just don't let them see you looking


Jane said...

Deb they are all beautiful. Don't worry you are not the only person who snaps lovely houses.

Tell me something - why do these American houses never have fences around their front yards? That is really quite unusual in most urban parts of Australia. Don't they worry about people peeking in, or are they so set back it doesn't matter?


Dumbwit Tellher said...

Thanks Jane for the comment! The photos were cropped dramatically as most of these homes are on a 1/2 or 1/4 acre lot. I wish I could of captured the neighborhood better. So massive and so impressive. Makes one feel like very small potatoes!

Have a great rest of this week xo xo

Averill said...

I saw that episode! It totally cracked me up, too, but I know that TX spoils you real-estate wise for the rest of the country.

And I can't believe AT&T dropped HGTV! I've been wanting to get Uverse for a while now, but you're right- - nobody drops HGTV and gets away with it! :)

Splenderosa said...

I loved the question about fences around the front of the homes. Houston is so beautiful (a native, I can properly take credit) & most people don't realize how green & verdant it is. Now about the walls around the front: our neighborhoods of River Oaks, Southhampton, the entire area around Rice University, Memorial, Tanglewood would lose something wouldn't they? Such large beautiful vistas with the glorious trees, and at Christmas time all of them decorated to the 9's for all to see. I love the place!

French Basketeer.com said...

Wow these homes are all so grand; I feel like I've been on a nice driving tour. I am not in the market but I admit I am always a total lookeyloo when it comes to other's homes & gardens. My nephew has Rice on his top 5 list for next year; maybe I will make it back to houston one of these days....

A Perfect Gray said...

total house hunters junkie here, especially hh international.

those are some beauts there, thanks for risking your good name for those shots.

emily henderson mentioned on her blog that At&T dropped HGTV. what were they thinking?

Ingrid Tunheim said...

Is this your neighbourhood? What lovely, enormous houses and gardens. You will not find many homes like that in Norway. Private homes here are mostly built of wood and much smaller. There is a trend now in my country to build apartments, something that hardly existed just a few years ago, only in the largest cities. Large and large, my whole country has about 4,7 million inhabitans.

Dianne said...

What fabulous homes ~ you've certainly captured some of the best.
My very favourite is the 9th from bottom - it's got character and lots of shade and another big plus ~ that style would accomodate my lovely edwardian chaise-lounge ~ just perfect !!

flwrjane said...

Wow everything really is bigger in Texas isn't it?

Sometimes big is scary, but these are lovely ( says Ms. 918 sq. feet)

xx Jane

Jules said...

They are all just soooo American!
I love that so many homes have their own connectedness to the country in which they are built!
For ten years I sold real estate in Tasmania and Queensland and whilst the home differed in material, size, style and presentation they were all Australian.
As I cruise through the international RE sites it is obvious from the home where you are!
RE lurking though is a bit of an addictive disease!
Fabulous post I think I would like to visit and see these for myself!

Notes From ABroad said...

Those look like houses in my old neighborhood, back in the States :) Not Texas.
We only see International HouseHunters here in BA and we love it. Last night was a home on the Italian Riviera .. talk about getting your brain spinning with those ideas of What If .....
I heart Seattle, not Texas so much :)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Oh Deb...they have perfectly trimmed hedges! I'm obsessed by well-clipped hedges...I need to get a life huh?


DolceDreams said...

Oh what fun! I adore these houses, sooo different than here, no?? I rather fancy 3,6,7,10 and 14. I love the brick homes, but really need a home with alot of light and windows. Love the columns too!
What about your home? Does this mean you are out shopping?
I hope so!

Anonymous said...

Dear Deb, Without a doubt one is spoilt for choice. Why is it, I wonder, that we all have a fascination with other people's houses? Similar programmes to the one which you so vividly describe exist in the UK but, as I am without a television, I seldom get to see them. Your posting has, therefore, provided me with a real treat!

La Petite Gallery said...

I'll take the 4th from bottom, the English tudor. Boy it all reminds me of River Oaks in Houston..


Barbara said...

My days of big houses are over. I don't even dream of one.....too much to take care of! Taxes, insurance... I'm such a bore, right?
I'm getting to the age where less is more...give me simple. I'm going to put my money in travel!

alison giese Interiors said...

Love your reverie into ye Grand Ole 'Hoods of Houston! As for homes I'd take - well, it would've been nice if we could've kept my husband's grandparents' home. A John Staub on one of the most secluded streets in RO. It needed a lot of work, but was such a perfect specimen. Alas, my husband was definitely NOT consulted in decisions of the estate *sigh*

Hill House Ramblings said...

Oh Deb, I've tried the "I'm walking my dog so I can look unobtrusive while taking pictures" ruse as well! Haha, it never works does it? Gosh, what lovely homes. I think I could be quite content in #2 and #10.


Christy said...

I would have a hard time choosing! But I'm glad you shared them all with us. So funny to imagine you all traipsing around snapping photos and getting honked at! Ha!

I watched that episode of HH too - she was SO annoying. In an entertaining way, yes. But hello - think of a new phrase! You're on tv!

24 Corners said...

Love number three Deb...it looks like a 'cozy' English manor house with all that ivy, and I like that it's kind of tucked away. You know the Madison Park neighborhood with all the amazing turn of the century mansions? That's where I want to bring my camera. I used to toodle around there before we built our house for inspiration. The neighborhood you were in is a great toodler...beautiful homes! I loved that they weren't all cookie cutters.
I have to see that H.H., sounds like a funny one and it would be neat to see where they looked being our hometown and all. Love the international version!

Have a lovely rest of the week and happy sleeping!!!
xo J~

24 Corners said...

Deb...is there a way to email you? I have an auction question. xo J~

North of 25A said...

I don't think there was one in the bunch that I didn't like, but if I was forced to pick I might go with the green door; and then promptly change it.

Haute World said...

These are gorgeous! Although your neighbors probably thought you were casing their houses ;-) I used to love to go to open houses just for the heck of it. Apartment hunting on the other hand is nowhere near as fun...

Renée Finberg said...

when i was a wee girl,
i lived in river oaks.
the homes in houston can be spectacular.
i love brick homes that are painted white.
there is non of that here.

maybe i should do a boca homes post.
it would show how different our words are.

love you girlie! xxx

red ticking said...

deb...you are so adorable... i love these... they are so pretty... i always look forward to reading your posts always entertaining and genuine...i am doing great and always hoping you are as well.... have a wonderful weekend... xoxo

Anonymous said...

Daaaaaaahling, I too am a simple girl. All I want is two teeny little flats. One across the street from Harrods in London, and one in NY alongside Central Park. And some thin thighs would be nice too.
*kisses* HH

La Petite Gallery said...

Still like the Tudor.....
Happy Thanksgiving to you and family.


Anonymous said...

Joni Webb must have lost her camera or these are houses she has missed. Nice post.

Francine Gardner said...

i feel as i have just been on a grand tour...grand are all these houses, perhaps it is time, I save on some tax dollars and move to your neck of the woods...

quintessence said...

I grew up taking Sunday drives that were cleverly disguised "house tours" like this - and I found my favorite apartment in NYC by checking out peoples' apartments through windows in the evening while walking by - doesn't everyone do it? i think it's actually a bonafide sport in NYC

Mise said...

My goodness, these people know how to live. I think I see you and your camera across my rolling lawns outside my front window; I must just rush out and hurry you along before you snap my priceless Ming.

Splendid Sass said...

Image 13 for me! I would relandscape (word?) a little bit, but love it. SOme gorgeous homes here.
Can relate to the 50+ sleepless night, haha.
Have a great day.

designchic said...

So many beautiful homes...would never be able to choose!! Thanks for sharing~

SpryOnTheWall said...

Love these houses, I'm such a house stalker. Living where we do in Augusta it's perfect for just that. All the old mansions from the early 20th century - it's so gorgeous. I have tried to take pictures but get afraid that they will run out and take me down. LOL! Maybe I should try share the photos. I also love house hunters, such a great show! I hope you are doing well and everything is a-okay! Hugs to you from Georgia!!! xoxo

Red Boots said...

What beautiful houses! Do you think they would mind if I just moved into one?! x

Lisa Porter said...

Ok...I want to meet the gal with the lime green door! Love it!
I get sooooo bored around here with most homes looking the same in my neck of the woods. I always want to do something shocking out front but my family frowns upon it.
I luuuuuv to raise eyebrows.
Love the assortment Deb. From classic to Tara wannabeees.
xoxo Lisa

Renae Moore said...

There are soooo many lovelies, hard to choose. Love the variety of character and style! I too love homes that have a 'pop'!

Beadboard UpCountry said...

Leave it to you deb to risk life and limb and "citizens on Patrol" to get some great shots..... I'll pick the entryway on the last shot but they need to straighten up that lantern...... I 250000 in Seattle ??????HA!!!!!! TOOLSHED.
Maryanne xo

Millie said...

That Other Husband met his girlfriend on a business trip to Houston. Her name was Debbie & she was from Dallas & that is a true story!!! MOTH has always dared me to do a post on that interesting fact, but the kids read my blog, so I don't want them to be totally grossed out by their father's 'antics'. You can come by & photograph my house any day Deb. Those grumpy Houston house owners need to lighten up a bit.
Millie ^_^

Richard Boles said...

I noticed that these houses have similar gable roofing. I do house hunt around Miami too, along with my wife every weekend. I don't know, but it gives us pleasure to look at houses that we find very dreamy and interesting to imitate one day.

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