In this magnificent and puzzling world, there are people that you begin a rapport. It starts through blogging, then networking. You interface, perhaps correlate, commiserate, and then before too long (& in this case rather quickly) begin feeling compassion, caring, and then the ultimate, friendship.
You've never met; 'how ridiculous' one begins to think that you 'feel' a warmth towards someone that is not tangible, you cannot hug, nor even see. You even go as far as having a personal reality check. But there it is, you by no better use of a word...connected.
Let me introduce to you AJ, proud Polish born Canadian and self-professed country yuppie with a wicked sense of humor. AJ is an artisan of brilliant jewelry, a photographer, gardener, and pet-parent. She's written that her dream is to own a flower shop when she 'grows-up'. To "arrange twigs and branches and stems all day would be a dream come true".
What is truly amazing is this humble (gorgeous) woman is all that and a attorney by day and a skilled sailor when the brief case is set down. She owns and races a 22-foot Star #7133, which is an Olympic Class, two-man keelboat. Along with her skipper, AJ races at regattas both in Canada and across the border. These tidbits however are just the tip of the iceberg of impressive accomplishments for this lady.
AJ authors the clever blog The NighBluey Herald. Sadly AJ announced today that she is retiring her blog. When I read that bloggers (how about Decorno?) have made such a decision, I feel a sense of sadness, perhaps loss. I also feel a sense of understanding.
I am hoping that AJ continues nurturing the creative-side of that marvelous brain of hers. After viewing just of few of her designs, I know you'll think just the same.
You will find AJ's etsy NighBluey Jewelry shop here .
Her pieces so incredibly priced, it's just shy of robbery.

Find NighBluey on facebook here
AJ - there are such things in life that when we feel like we are 'towing the line' it no longer is worthy of our precious time. Whether you go port or starbird I'm with you, no mayday needed. So down the hatch my friend, and smooth sailing ahead. There are uncharted waters to explore! xx
{go forth & live responsibly}
Saluting the Quarterdeck
You're clearly a good friend, and she's some woman.
Thank you for the introduction. If the world were perfect, I would have found her sooner than later and I'd be checking in more frequently on your fabulousness ( in person over champagne, of course ! ) ! Have to tell you, we share a similar past and lately, I'm sensing we may also have more in common in the future. Wish I could tell you more, but don't want to jinx anything ! Happy weekend, beautiful one ! XO Lisa
Bummer. Sometimes I honestly feel like not blogging anymore - feel like I'm spinning my wheels, but it's my outlet and ultimately I enjoy it. But once the joy is gone, then what's the point. I get it. I'm happy to report that her shop was already one of my faves! Beautiful stuff! Love you Deb!!!! xoxoxo
this feeling must be going around...
i have thought about closing up my bloggie shop as well.
but 'this too shall pass', i know.
i need my bloggie friends.
i am sure she will be back -
just re-invented in some way.
She's quite something....I feel a tad inferior at the moment! As for her "retirement", I understand that. It's hard to keep on it, sometimes.
Her jewelry is so pretty. Ugh. She's just too fabulous;)
Have a great weekend!
I wonder if this often happens in the summer, Deb? I think people get overwhelmed, need time to themselves and their family and blogging IS time consuming! I love it when people come right out and say: I'm taking a break for a month or so. That way, hopefully, our blog friends may find their way back to blogging....because they miss us! :)
I bet your friend will too. I love her Etsy store! She sounds like one talented, busy, active woman. Three cheers for her! And for you, for becoming her friend and supporter!
Hi sweet bloggy friend ~
I can totally relate to
your feelings, but if
blogging were to become
a burden and not a joy,
than I am with AJ....
time for a new chapter.
{I can't wait to check
out her jewelry on Etsy,
though!} Sounds like you
have some new chapters
happening in your own life.
When one door closes,
another opens, right? I
wish that for you. Good
luck with bringing #4
to college. I'm a few
short years from taking
#1 and honestly, it makes
me a little queasy : (
One of the most special
things about blogging:
you know that you aren't
alone in so many different
ways! Have a lovely
xx Suzanne
Beautiful writing -- you are a muse and what you say is correct. Blogging has opened up doorways to friendship and I also seen romance blossom between blogger's.
AJ's talent is without a doubt a Renaissance woman, I am in awe, and it was so sweet of you to write about her.
I thought I was a follower of yours and somehow was not... blush .... but I remedied the situation.
Glad you are still blogging, a beautiful blog you have created.
Your words are touching and true, a beautiful living tribute to someone you care about.
And your comment touched me deeply, x.
Good evening!!!! How nice to see you again! And as I read this post, I can sooooo understand and agree that blogging has been the best experience in meet kindred minds. In reality, those you work with, live with and love are treasured for sure, but when there is no face or tactile experience with the blogger, it makes you work HARDER to be a better communicator! Since blogging, my thoughts have become even more deliberate; even though I still may not come across the way I really would like, I do know that I am going through the PROCESS, something that we just might be missing in the real world when wanting to communicate. Writing and PUBLISHING is truly an exercise that requires great care. The friendships are precious because this amazing network connects us with people night and day that have similar interests. BRAVO FOR YOU and your friend....may you always experience joy! And thank you dear blogger, for coming to visit me to see what I love so....creating in light, with hardly anything, but with a lot of inspiration and imagination.
Best to you, Anita
These are gorgeous, I have to check out her shop...yes, it is quite amazing these friendships that we form through cyberworld!
You too have a wonderful weekend...I just but up some pix of Bellagio, the conservatory is gorgeous right now. So happy to hear about your home! I think things are picking up here, very slowly...
Yes blogging friendships are real and special...this woman sounds totally amazing. Talk about talent, my gosh.
Hope all is well in your corner of world ;)
xxx Dj
When one door closes, a new one opens. And once a friendship is established...the old door is still always open :) Thanks for the spotlight on yet another beautiful person and the creative gifts she's created!
Such lovely earrings! Hope you are having a gorgeous weekend! x
Hi dear Deb,
Sorry for my absence, but I have only just got back from my sisters and now hear the news that AJ is packing in her blog !! I am so upset as I have a great rapport with AJ. and love her blog. I must get on over there and have a chat !!
If she does finally give up her blog you have given her a lovely send off with your touching post. You are one lovely and special lady, Deb and you aleays have so much time for everyone. Love you lots and will be emailing you very soon. XXXX
That was a nice goodbye post. I was not familiar with her but I felt the same way when Stephanie Hymel of Bonjour Madame stopped blogging......I guess it's like reading the newspaper you get up with your coffee and expect it to be there.....BTW I have something in the works, we will have to have a mind meld....;)
MOTH reckons I'll still be posting at my own funeral. Blogging is the only disciplined thing I do in my life, so I guess I'll keep going until I need to ditch the discipline & go totally feral! It's still too much fun to stop.
Millie ^_^
P.S. Don't you even THINK about hitting that Delete Blog Now button Deb!
After reading the comments ,I also felt like I was dropped at the curb..I still have My HOuston Gal's
and Millie, Splendora etc. Maybe It's the weather. My Mouse keeps
freezing this mouse is only 8 months old.????
Your such a great friend to write a post for a friend, I agree lovely items..
AJ sounds like a multi-talented and amazing person, just like YOU! xx
Lovely jewlery!! Thank you so much for your super sweet comment today, you made me super curious - how do you know Norwegian???
Now that we've met, don't you be stopping blogging.
I've only just begun to read!
what a good friend you are! maybe she just needs a little break (don't we all!) hopefully she will be back soon! hope you are having a fab summer! barbara
What a treasure you found in AJ...and one talented gal too. I know how I feel about several bloggy friends and as you know there are bonds made and new girlfriends that you really do care about!
I understand wanting to shut down, think of it often!
I admire your talent and gift for writing. Thank you for putting my thoughts into words and ordering them perfectly to reflect my feelings about how I feel about the friends I have made through blogging.
It's unfortunate that I didn't find AJ and discover her talents. She sounds like an amazing woman.
I have been on a leave of absence from my blog in order to re-establish balance, and to refocused on friends and family. I dearly love (and miss) blogging, but I've discovered that it can be too much like a job - stress, obligations, deadlines, guilt. I can't image leaving it forever, but I have learned not to feel guilty about taking breaks. Maybe AJ will return once she takes some time.
You are a special friend to many. Rita
AJ sounds like a bit of a wonder woman :). I normally don't like people who are so good at EVERYTHING, but sometimes people are so lovely that you just got to adore them ;)
*kisses* HH
Deb this post is one reason why I feel such warm feelings towards you. If I could hug you I would! I am sorry to hear she is hanging it up but I wish her the best.
HI Deb
Well I think one could not do better than a blog friend such as yourself.. you are always cheering and encouraging us all.. and AJ looks like she is quite a talent.. I hope she finds her feet or whatever she needs right now..
I'm so sorry I've taken so long to get over here.. the house move became epic and now my internet works only when it is in the mood!!! will need to find an alternate source..
So.. ppl will probably think I have stopped blogging also.. just looking back and I only put up 7 posts in 2 months!! Funny.. last year working 80hr weeks I still managed to post... but these last few months have been erratic...
Take care Deb and hopefully I will be able to pop over more often.. xxx Julie
Thank you so much for coming to my tea party!
It was great fun to meet you!
And your lovely comment was very appreciated, indeed!
I`m sad to hear about your friend... maybe she will change her mind...
The jewellery is amazing!
I wasn't familiar with her blog her or work, so thanks for sharing! It's a shame when blog friends decide to stop blogging, though the reasons are always understandable. Her jewelry is beautiful though, so I'm glad she still has an etsy store!
WOw- what a great friend you are! She is lucky girl. I will check her out more..
Love the bloggy also and will be back...I too cherish the people I meet and become friends with in blogland. Some as deep(if not deeper) as those IRL.
Nice Jewelry! Thanks for the intro.
Deb, I know just how she feels sometimes...it's like an obligation almost. Then I stop. And rethink. If a don't have a worthy post, I just don't post. And, I feel OK. Today, lovie, I have a blog award for you at my place, because truly yours is one of the best I've ever seen. I'm coming home sometime in August, I'll let you know...I have a new baby granddaughter named Archer born 7/22. xx's
How good of you to root for a talented kindred spirit... fun blog, so glad I found you.
One evening....ok, really a few evenings this summer, things just got so crazy in my house, I swear it's the heat; then there's the heat that only I seem to be feeling which adds to the whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
Anyway....I got in my coolest nighty, grabbed a personal fan & a cookie and told my people that I was leaving them....to go be with my bloggy friends. Honestly, they will tell you that they are thankful that I have friends like you!
A.J. is now a new acquaintace that I have met for the first time through your fabulous blog. Oh my gosh, she has such a full life that is bringing her great joy. We must celebrate in the fact that she shared it with us if even for a short time. I hope she keeps her archives up for a while as I look forward to reading and learning what you have learned.
Thank you Deb for writing YOUR wonderful blog. Those of us who "know" you are so thankful that you "get it."
xo Lisa
what a heartfelt post... (as always).... you are so amazing deb and sooooo precious... i wish i could have known about aj's blog sooner... and i wish her well... and if you ever stop... we will all rally you back... xoxo pam
What a cool sounding woman! I do relate to her decision, but not sure I could ever quite bring myself to do it. What would I spend my free time doing if not surfing blogs of friends?
A wonderful tribute to a friend. I'm so sorry I didn't get to know AJ's blog - she sounds like such a cool chick! How does she find time for it all? Her jewelry is beautiful!
I too have made some special friends via the web (including you!). Honestly, it's those connections that keep me blogging even when I'm feeling uninspired or too busy.
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