** Warning; when you read this, you must do so with a proper Southern drawl or the entire effect is so lost**

*"I’m not crazy M'Lynn, I’ve just been in a very bad mood for 40 years."
Ouiser Boudreaux - Steel Magnolias 1989
Happy Sunday to all and here's to a great new week my friends. No grumpies for Dumbwit.
{go forth & live responsibly}
paxil for all
paxil for all
What a great lady and a great quote! Loved the accent in my head - hehe! Hope you have a great day and week, my friend!
I love that character!
Oh I just lux Weeeza!!!
Perfect Southern Lady and what a wit about her!
I also love it when she says.. after being told she hasn't changed a bit in 40 years...
"I'm not as sweet as I used to be."
The best character in that movie!
This is one of those movies that when I'm flipping through stations, I'll always stop and watch. And cry.
that was such a great movie and love the quote.
Nowadays, i refuse to feel grumpy...
Have a great week
One of my favorites!
DOUBT that you've been
in a bad mood for 40 years,
though : ) You seem like
such a sweetie! Hope your
weekend has been grand!
xx Suzanne
LOVE THIS!!!!!! You are so able to create something big out of bits......
I love Shirley MacLaine and her role in Steele Masgnolias.....Always a pleasure to visit you!!!!!Maryanne xo
One of my all time favorites - the movie, the character & the actress. I also love the line in the movie when Olympia Dukakis (sp?) says: "She is evil & she must be destroyed" - I use that one fairly often! Thanks for wise reminder (about Paxil) - LOL!
My motto! LOL! xoxo
Well I de-clay-er! That just tickles me pink!! :)
hallelujah to that!! nothing better than weeza wearing her "fur" in hot weather....no wonder she always felt so foul.
wishing you a cheerful week beautiful deb!
We all know one of these characters and somedays I am one of them! Fun post Deb. XO
Haha Deb you have made me smile this morning and I thank you for that! Have a fabulous week...
Shirly was perfect for that part. One of my favorite movies. When I like a movie it seems I never get tired of watching it. I have seen
Afair to remember (all three of them) so many times. I liked Cary Grant the best. The Movies today are awful.
one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movie characters of all time!!!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend, Deb!
Shirley MacLaine - in any role - is fabulous!!
You're so good to me Deb... always saying such great things about my work. Thank you!!! And yes, my Brian is a great guy :-)
Did someone say Paxil?
Gosh gorgeous girl I TRIED to do Shirley Mac's Southern drawl but failed miserably. Just couldn't keep the Aussie twang suppressed for long enough!
Millie ^_^
raina me too!!
i can't NOT watch it if it's on. and frankly it's so much better this way...just sort of finding it on the tv as opposed to popping in a dvd.
Haha. Love it!
Weeza's the best!!! I'm carrying this one with me allll week! Wish I would've seen it on Sunday...would have helped *my* bad mood! ;D
Love it! xxoo J~
That movie never gets old!
i loved that character.
she is the best!
I can just 'hear' it!
Stay cool Girl...baby it's hot outside!
She reminds me of my Mom in that photo:)
I'm so happy you stopped over today cuz I just mailed your package and have been thinking about you. Let me know when you get it. I'm just starting to feel better after such a heavy heart regarding Marija. Life is so fragile. It' been a rough couple of days in my world as we had a tragedy in our midst as well. A dear friend's son died tragically over the weekend. 2 lives cut way too short. It really makes you aware of the gift of each day. So let me sign off with these words... I love you Deb :)
God Bless.
Deb, great post and movie. no grumpies here!
Art by Karena
Bonjour Deb! What a sweet surprise to see you have visited me, and to come and read your profile! I USED TO VISIT BONWIT TELLER IN BOSTON when I lived there! And of course, growing up in Los Angeles, I believe I first walked into a BW in West Los Angeles or Beverly Hills, of course! How fun and what a clever blog you have! Thank you so much for coming and leaving a comment...you know how much that is appreciated! Yes, we are thrilled that we are finally adding on after all these years of waiting to the have where-with-all to do it and know it's time! Excavation starts next month! We are teachers, so it is going to cut into the school year, but at least we'll have something to look forward to when we come home tired at night!
Do come anytime!! Anita
Thats a hilarious quote! Have a great week, Deb! xo
Love that quote, darling!
Great to hear from you!
Oh you kill me!
LOVE it, as always...Great movie, I need to watch it again it's been awhile...
Have a HAPPY week,
p.s. hows the Henderson abode or is that a bad question?
Ouiser was some character for the ages, Deb! Shirley did a super job with it.
Smiles all around!
This is hilarious! I'm sorry for my lack of time to visit lately, I have missed you. Hope you are having a great week!
You've made me think I should see this movie again!
ha!ha! I know all about the drawl living in Texas for a while now & u're too funny...Paxil for all, that's so witty! :)
Steel Magnolias? Now you are speaking my language.
I could quote that flick word for word. The Weez definitely puts a smile on my face!
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