a little 'je ne sais quois.' quips Helena Frith-Powell, author
of 'Two Lipsticks and a Lover'.
of 'Two Lipsticks and a Lover'.
the French can also lay claim to singer Charles Aznavour; Amore'

more than Paris, France. I doubt you'd disagree.
We women long to possess the French savoir-faire, and men long to
have the occasional illicit romance, or 'les petites aventures', accepted
as part of their culture. Women I'd say, are catching on quickly to
that philosophy.
have the occasional illicit romance, or 'les petites aventures', accepted
as part of their culture. Women I'd say, are catching on quickly to
that philosophy.

"French style at its best is the art of turning your back on fashion."

The secret of French woman in the view of author Edith Kunz who wrote the
book, "Fatale; How French Woman Do-it", one word: confidence.
"They are confident in themselves, confident with their age, their body, with their power. I don't see them burning bras! They are sensuous even at work. In the U.S., you cannot even open the door for them. They might believe you are being solicitous. I don't know what made American women so angry. Here, I don't see the anger. They charmed men to death, and it is fun for both. It looks like a lot of sensuousness".
book, "Fatale; How French Woman Do-it", one word: confidence.
"They are confident in themselves, confident with their age, their body, with their power. I don't see them burning bras! They are sensuous even at work. In the U.S., you cannot even open the door for them. They might believe you are being solicitous. I don't know what made American women so angry. Here, I don't see the anger. They charmed men to death, and it is fun for both. It looks like a lot of sensuousness".

more likely to trust their own instincts", states Bourjois spokeswoman
Celine Kaplan, a Parisienne-turned-New Yorker

and a bad hair day is simply out of the question.

writes Leah Bourne of Forbes.com.

designer", say's Celine Kaplan. "You mix and match, you go vintage."
"French women are not just picking something because it is in fashion,"
designer Cathrine Malandrino explains. "She gives more thought to it.
How many times can she wear it? Is it versatile enough to go from day,
to work, to cocktails? And will she want to wear it again and again?"

the words 'liberte, egalite, fraternite' written throughout like a stick of rock.
And of these the most important is liberte.”

Ying Chu for MarieClaire.com

is Haute World. The author gives her readers the most thorough of
educations in the world of French fashion and savvy style
throughout this Haute World.

story and photo credits; fashionation.wordpress.com. style.com; tommy ton, blogcritics.org. NYtimes.com, Rebecca Voight, cq.com, momlogic.com
What a thoroughly enjoyable post...and I couldn't help cackling out loud at "Sacre bleu!"
well said. dying to be french.
le sigh. now i am feeling french too. and i wish that green furry number was mine. moreover, i wish i could pull it off.
Oh I just adore this post Deb, I have been reading about french women here and there for some time. They are amazing creatures ~ We can learn so much from them.
Loving your sidebar pictures too....have a great weekend,
xoxo DJ
The Edith Kunz quote says it all for me. In America we have put such a barrier between the sexes that common courtesy is some how seen as offensive. If I open the door for you it doesn't mean I'm having impure thoughts about you.On the other hand if you smile as you pass and it warms my old heart,whats the harm in that? Thank you for a very insightful post.
You are SO good. This very subject has been the topic of so many of my discussions with friends recently! The universe is trying to tell us something and you are certainly tuned-in to it! Ayez un week-end merveilleux! oxo Barbara
It's the walking, walking that keeps French women so trim, something I guess we should all know but seem to hope for an easier trick. And I am all for buying responsibly and with more thought.....we have much to learn over here on the other side. XO
wonderful post. enjoyed every word and photo. I am determined to put that fabulous french attitude to good use in my life...well, maybe not the lover part, but you get the point...thanks so much for a great post.
Have never been, but I know when I do, it will be hard to come back. They sure have that "Joie de vivre" thing nailed ! I am inspired all over again.
Merci !!!
Whenever we go to France, be it Paris or smaller towns and villages, you can happen on a market and there are the French, men and women, looking fabulous, buying their veg in the most beautiful cashmere coat, basket over their arm. It must be inbuilt and there from the moment they are born !!
Votre post est tres bon, Deb. Fantastique !!
Love it! A great read...!
Bonjour Deb,
That was so much fun to read. Thank you. It must have taken you a while to gather all the pictures and to think up all these comments. I have been to France many times because of my husband's work. I remember the first time I went I organized my wardrobe and make-up extensively. There seems to be 2 parts to France. First there is Paris: an entity into itself. The guardian of the best fashion, perfumes, make-up, boutiques, restaurants, etc...It was surreal. Everybody is slim because you have to walk everywhere. Makes sense. Then there is the rest. I wanted to experience other small towns and areas. Being young and naive I was surprised to see that there were fat women with no make-up, friendly as can be (probably because they ate...)dressed very plainly. Depending where you go in France they speak French with different accents. Its like many little countries within one bigger one. Its surprising how one region can be so different that the next. The next region I would like to visit is Provence. Great post! Merci beaucoup!
J'ai adoré ce poste... tout cela est vrai!!!
Bon week-end!
The French are so Chic and elegant.
Great post.
Loved, loved, loved this post Deb! So thoughtfully researched & written as usual. I'd last a minute in France, I just don't have the confidence in my appearance to carry it off. Too much of the Aussie larrikin in me I suspect. However, MOTH might do a little better. You would never guess it but he speaks fluent French, thanks to a huge crush he had on his High School French teacher. It was the only class he was totally engaged in, so to speak. He reckons the feeling was mutual, but that's a whole other story!!
Millie ^_^
what an outrageous post.
i loved every word and image...
i agree with you completely on all points.
C'est parfait!!!!
I firmly believe the French water is diluted with something from their bedrock because their attitude of "to hell with you I'm am only me" is universal.
Mon Dieu!!!! Kate so needs a clue.
You know that I agree....gorgeous pics, xv.
Fashion-wise, the French can't be beat. It is always their innate sense with scarves that gets to me. French man or woman, they all wear scarves and in the most magnificent ways.
Unfortunately, some American women cannot accept that they can be strong and feminine at the same time.
As for France and the French: I can admire, I can visit, I can emulate, but I am amazingly happy to get home.
But there is another weapon--the MOTHER--who insists that a girl stay slim, who does not overfeed her children, the -no snacks rule-- and the staying slim. Just remember that every August and before you have to get into a small bikini.
It is joked that a goal of all French women is to be able to fit into her school uniform skirt for life...some grandmothers can.
Slim...and chic.
But in reality there are many ways of being chic--and confident--and French women don't stress about it. They quietly go to the hair person, the nails person, the waxing person, the surgeons and the weight loss experts and various salons--who knows, you might meet the man of your dreams right there...best be ready.
DEB_I have not gone away--just discovered that for the last 4 weeks I have had a FEEDBURNER glitch and my new posts have not been coming up on blog rolls...you have some fine reading to catch up on, including last week's story on THE STYLE SALONISTE about a visit to MATISSE'S HOUSE...you will love.
Why couldn't I be born French? Le Sigh.
What a great post and you have captured it all. It is confidence, I agree, and daring to be different. I think the men in France (and Europe for that matter) still dress about 1000 times better than most Australian men who tend to be super slovenly. I think they buy quality, and the other thing is that they are well groomed - hair and nails especially. Those little details make the big difference.
Oh to be as effortlessly cool as a french dame. Sigh.
Interesting post. Oh for all women to have the confidence and wonderful sense of style of the French. Rita
HI Deb
Wonderful post.. and what a fabulous collection of images.. and not your usual glam set... Definitely something interesting and unique about the french style.. if only we could capture this confidence and adopt it as our own... Aussie men could take a tip or two... I suspect they would be after the extramarital aspect though... have fun xxx Julie
Deb, Deb, Deb, what a fabulous post!!!
I enjoyed every word and image. You are so talented my friend! The french really are captivating. They can be so maddening yet so alluring at the same time... whatever they do, they have managed to capture our imagination. You really see it in their films.
Thank you so much for always entertaining us as only you can :)
Je t'aime!!!!!!!!!!!
I've never been to France, but I just KNOW I'd be enraptured by everything I see and experience... people especially. I also know that if I were in France I'd feel like a great big uncultured bump but wouldn't really mind in the long run because I'd BE THERE!
Victoria @ DesignTies
Beautiful Deb, this post is amazing, wonderful, funny, smart & beautiful. I love your blog's new look! So sleek. Shine on, gorgeous one. C'est Magnifique, mon amour.
Best thing Ive read in a LONG time. Oh how I love that last picture with that caption. so perfect!!!! My favorite image on here was the woman in the green under-coat smoking a cigarette and the man behind her also smoking. I think his outfit was the most chic out of the whole bunch. He's not stick-thin, he's not young, yet he is sporting a Hermes belt and layered a scarf, tie, vest and jacket over jeans with a rip in them. And love his grey hair and glasses. OHHHH Mama!
very beautiful pictures, except the last one ;)
i hope you're having a wonderful week!
Those shoes with the bows on them are magic! x
Do I really look like this?? Not in my moving clothes..... This is such a flattering portrait of us French women, but I think, dear Deb that you are far too kind....
I like the fact that the French don't have a mass mentality like many other cultures. They tend to celebrate individuality and the little things more. Have a great week, Deb! xo
Thank you for the kind shout-out my dear! I think French style is impossible to comprehend unless you've actually spent time observing the women here. I think the most important think you'll learn is that the French actually dress quite boring. It's comfortable and perhaps chic, but it's rarely very daring or eccentric (Londoners excel in this). Let's face it, the majority of the very fashionable women you posted aren't even French ;-) I find there's a huge discrepancy between what the streetstyle blogs post (mainly during fashion events, where the majority of non-French women are dressed to the nines) and what is actually out on the Parisian streets (lots of Converse sneakers, worn jeans and slouchy cardigans). I think that's the real reason so many tourists come here with a completely wrong outfit and a false sense of what is actually considered stylish here. I will say that confidence and a general joy of living is key, with a strong focus on a natural beauty (it's not considered chic to wear too much makeup). I will also say that unfortunately French women are very thin and being even slighly overweight is not acceptable, which might be irritating to any woman who's 'larger' than a size 4 ;-)
you have an impressive collection of streestyle images!! thanks for sharing.
ps. check out my blog:
Oh I love this. Especially that particular shade of French green. Magnifique indeed!
And the juxtaposition of Carla and Kate.... priceless. Words are not even needed!
Hi Deb~ I have an award for you on my blog because you always make me HAPPY!!!
Fantastic blog!! Following. :)
Deb you found the best images, all really unique and fun. The French are so stylish!
Art by Karena
I've just found your blog.
I love love your selection.
I'm Japanese fashion designer.
Your pics are useful for my design!
Please check out my blog<3
It seems the French exude such confidence, which is beautiful and sexy at the same time! How fantastic is this post, and do you believe I have never even been to France?!? I love travel and I love understanding new cultures and people of all walks of life. And Paris?!?? Of course I must go someday! :)
This is one of the best posts I have read in ages! Fabulous-and I loved your ending!
Yay! This post is timed perfectly. I have been trying to evolve my style a bit, particularly the French makeup look (gray eyes with neutral lip tone or naked eyes with red lips). I haven't quite got it yet. Working at home, it's been far too easy to slip into the no makeup, jeans, and solid tee outfit as my daily wardrobe. I used to have a sense of style, not so much now. This article is just the kick in the pants that I needed!
How've you been my dear Deb? As always, thanks for your lovely comments on my blog! Shhhh.. don't tell the others, but you know you're one of my favorites ;)
OMG laughing out loud at the last two images!! Love this post though. Such inspiring photos!
what an amazing post!!! oh how i loooove the french....they are unlike any other. i try to always pull it off but somehow i can never really get it...
dear deb.... as always... charming.. xx
What a fabulous post. Loved to read this. I think "Divine Denuve" says it all -true confidence at any age!!
we all desire the french version of sexual napalm MEOW. That is a tres magnifique statement my friend.
And I desire some of their fabulous footwear too. Hope you are doing well!
I could not be happier that I picked today to stop by.. what a beautiful post, the images, your words..lovely! I look forward to following. xo
You always find the best images to illustrate your point! I absolutely believe you! :) And the finale - oh, contrasts. Please don't tell me KG is the best we have to offer!
They make an effort to look good no matter if they are going to the grocery store or to a fancy party... it's more than just jeans and tshirts
Dear Deb,
Thank you for your beautiful warm comments. My heart goes out to you at this difficult time. Be strong and be patient, this hurt somehow will become less. Peace, Love, xxx.
Oh what a fun post to read. "take a lover on the side" made me giggle. And that last photo had me laughing outloud! Fabulous quotes and images throughout, as usual. Love your posts Deb. Hope you're having a good week!!!
Brilliant read and gorgeous pics! Feeling inspired to be more French...wishing I only ate half of my dessert! Tracey xx
LOL on that last picture. Great photos. I totally agree. Need to go to paris and put on my major attitude face daaaahling.
My new blog went up today and I am so excited. Stop by and check out my brand new and improved site daaaahling. I want to know what you think. I'm also doing a fab give away.
*kisses* HH
Fabulous post! Nothing beats French fashion ;)
Oh i love paris fashion!
ok, wanted to share... I'm not weird (honest) but came back for a second visit today! Such good stuff! xo
Hi Deb. Thanks for dropping by DesignTies the other day and commenting so positively on my home-staging post & project... your support is so very much appreciated! And no... no bows tied around the towels! ;-)
Okay this post is complete eye candy!!! It's true, they do have the "je ne sais quoi". I worked with a girl from France and she had this effortless glam thing working and I could only wish I were that cool. *sigh* I'll keep trying and wishing and failing - ha! :o)
What a creative post! I loved reading this.
such a comprehensive post and so beautifully put together!
the last image is hilarious :)
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