I'm not famous for my clever movie reviews or famous at all.
guy is much better than I and on the edge of famous.
So I will break it down
speed style,much like the
speed-reading you'll need to do
if you don't understand the Spanish language.
Blogging and watching don't work, trust me.

Here goes....
It's about this woman
(secretary by day, 'actress by night')

woman(the second mans ex-lover & co-worker)
and her
the making of this
and all this
fabulousness in between

this turquoise infused spot by the sea is for me

Rent at a
Redbox near you. Worth the dollar times 20.
Were you aware that you can reserve a Redbox movie
before you pick-it up?
Well it's true.

Enjoy the movie
Ciao!{go forth & shop responsibly}
$1 for great art is
image credits; rottentomatoes.com; starpulse.com; advocate.com;amazonaws.com; filmdocket.com; awardsdaily.com; pointclickhome.com; theglobeandmail.com; thecia.com.au; boston.com;
Oooo, the decor! Looks very interesting, thanks for the review. Redbox IS awesome. ;)
Dying to see this movie though we don't have redbox here in Canada. Hope I don't have to wait long. Have the best weekend. XO
Penelope and Pedro make an unbeatable combination, don't they?
Hi Deb!
You have reminded me that I MUST see this movie. I absolutely adore Penelope Cruz, she is mesmerisingly beautiful AND such a fabulous actress - have you seen "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" - she is so good in that. She and Pedro are the perfect combination I quite agree!
Have a great day,
Simone xo
this looks heavy duty and a little bizarre.
right up my alleyway.
I am a long time Pedro Fan.
...and still, I have yet to see this one.
I surrender.
I must be on a severe slippery slope.
Sounds FAB!! Looove your Coles Notes (as we call them here in Ontario - a little cheat sheet)....Penelope is sooo sultry, isn't she? so much woman! oxox
Wow great to know! I will snap it up at my redbox next time I go to the store. And no, didn't know I could reserve ahead of time -you're full of interesting information!
And that turquoise spot by the sea is totally for me, too. Just gorgeous!
Hope you're having a good day, and have a nice relaxing weekend!
Will do...I love his movies, xv.
looks wonderful! thanks so much for the tip...
TOTALLY didn't know that about Redbox. Thanks lady!
Thank you for this fabulous suggestion - that's Saturday night sorted! Leigh
Deb, I LOVED this movie!! And, most Almodovar movies. Volver [also with Penelope] is another fantastic one. And, cheers to another perfectly presented post!! oxo Barbara
Deb this looks fantastic. Thanks for putting it on my radar. It'll be perfect on those late nights up with the baby.
BTW- thanks for the sweet words you've left me over at my blog. It means a lot that people are still stopping by even though I've been pretty scarce.
Thanks again!!
i missed this in the theater. the previews for it were mind blowing. those two can do no wrong in my book.
i love how audrey she looks in these shots!!
p.s. still twirling over your kreativ blogger gift...now i have major stage fright....will post soon. kisses!
Did you see that movie?
I love her she so nice and different. Natural and simple , far away form Holliwood Lights!
Have a great weekend!
Is it me or does Penelope look charmingly like Audrey Hepburn in these pics? She's also proving to be completely agelss-- no fair!
Dear Deb
Now I agree that Jg writes a fantastic movie review.. however missie your movie posts always motivate my interest and this one is no exception... these photos have me enthralled.. besides all that wonderful colour, and being a little on the darkside [bonus points] I just can't get over how much Penelope looks like Audrey Hepburn in some of those shots... Well Pedro brings so much to his movies.. so much depth I would say and delights on many level...[i've had a movie review of his languishing for months.. you may inspire me to yet to finish it].. Have a great weekend Deb xxx Julie
that man Pedro has THE BEST eye and his sets and production design is always so full of personality and colour, very very spanish. Even his characters with no money live in wonderful vibrant environments.
I must rent it. Have a lovely weekend.
Completely adore Penelope....and always love your reviews! :)
Oh thanks for the recommendation, must check it out.
Love reading jg! And you introduced me to him.
Just added Penelope's flick to my Netflix list. It gets longer and longer but I pushed this one to the top.
oh wow. talk about wanting to see something right away!!!!! first, she is amazing looking. just keeps getting better with age. damn her! hahah.
second this just looks rich with character. I think I will watch this weekend!!!
WOW!! totally want to see this!
I think I may need to see this as soon as possible. The stills look gorgeous!
ohh! I want to see that, adding to Netflicks cue.
I haven't heard of this movie, but it certainly looks and sounds intriguing!! Spooky how Penelope Cruz looks so much like Audrey Hepburn...
I'm dedicating last night's University of Washington loss to your daughter :-)
hola! i am absolutely loving this post. penelope is hands down one of my most favorite actresses and that turquoise room...woah.
lovin it.
I made the mistake of believing our local movie critic who said it was complicated & he lost the plot, so disliked it. Yours is just the second opinion I needed. Thanks Gorgeous.
Millie ^_^
No; I want to watch P's bf: Javier. Mmmmmmmmm.
Im thinkin a Pedro/Penelope tryst of cinematic theme may be in line this weekend. Only I must include the yummily yummy Javier as well. Penelope has all that & Javier too. Smoking hot babies they'll make!!!
Ooooh, fab pics! Doesn't Penelope C look simply divine? Loving your review. I'm all about pictures daaaaahling :)
Have a fantastic weekend.
*kisses* HH
This movie looks great! Thanks for the recommendation. I'll see it this weekend for sure:)
There are no words to describe that movie... have a great weekend!
that turq room looks like an anthropologie window...right?
okay ... how cool are you?! that review was 10x any i've ever done. i mean gawd, looks whose beglossed and pouty lips are all over this page: Penelope's!! yes, first your Range Rover trumped my MKX, and now this amazing review! -- plus those leather pants! ;)
i saw this GREAT movie (in my top 20 for 2009, btw) on the westside with all the swells and oh-so-many "barthelonians" loving Pedro and Penelope. I also heartily recommend Woody's "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" for your readers and YOUR next review!
Darling I saw this film in Nice last year, I loved it. My mum loved Penelope and for some strange reason she couldn't pronounce her name, to this date we laugh about that. Hope everything is alright in your realm and that you're having a great weekend.
Love & Hugs
Adore Penelope so this is a must see. Also, don't you think she looks a bit Audrey-esque in certain poses?
love penelope... she is stunning and adorable all in one... and please keep your reviews coming...
have missed you xx
Mr Scribe is the bestest ! Thank you for your review. I am adding it to my ever growing list of movies !
Oh I love Redbox. And because of you, I will be renting this movie pronto. It looks divine. Thank you! :) xo
It looks like a great movie, I need to see it! I love Penelope Cruz, she is so beautiful! Thanks for this post about the movie, so intriguing!
Hope you are having a great week. :)
What a great post! I love Penelope...She is one of the most beautiful actresses in the world and I would love to make a hat for her one day. I will be looking forward to watching this movie.
Thank you for the wonderful comment.:-)My new Atelier will open its doors April 5th and I will make sure to post about it with plenty of pictures to show. :-))))Wishing you wonderful week!:-)
Looks saucy! Love penelope Cruz.
Saw it. Loved it. Wouldnt let myself leave to get up & 'go' until it was over. Worth it
Darling wishing you and your family a joyous and blessed Easter. I am so lucky to have you as a friend. Therefore, this Easter I will count my blessings and will count you twice luv.
Love & Hugs
Ooh, looks like a very stylish movie!
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