I don't care what political party you favor, or don't favor one at all. I don't care if you are yellow, red, tan, black, brown or white. I don't care if you drive a Honda, BMW, Ford, or a Saturn. I don't care if you are a Catholic, Jewish, an atheist, or a Lutheran. I don't care if you approved of President's Clinton, Bush I or II, Reagan, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Kennedy, and on and on.
What I DO care about is respect for the Office of the President of the United States of America.
Call me old, call me old-fashioned. I remember the days when everything was so different. People disagreed, people even argued. But I've never lived through a time that this office has been under such attack. I could write on and on; give testaments to all sides and give you reason after reason, one opinion after opinion. Chalk it up to over wired, over tired, too much caffeine, under appreciated, over worked or distrust of political power;
whatever the excuse, there is no excuse.
But, in the end..it boils down what Aretha Franklin sang best ~

Today - President Obama will be speaking directly to our students across our nation. Read the full speech here.
"The President will challenge students to work hard, set educational goals, and take responsibility for their learning," Duncan wrote, adding, "This is the first time an American president has spoken directly to the nation's school children about persisting and succeeding in school. We encourage you to use this historic moment to help your students get focused and begin the school year strong."

President Obama will be speaking directly to students in their classrooms on Tuesday. "This is creepy," says Laura Ingraham, in for Bill O'Reilly. "It sure is a slick move to market 'brand Obama' (sad...)

"He's recruiting his civilian army. His 'Hitler' youth brigade," wrote one participant in a forum at Free Republic. (can this comment be for real?)

Belt it out Aretha -
"Runnin' Out of Fools"-Amen and thank you.
Great post!!! Eyes wide open and very well said.
Thank you Style Redux 2 & Mimi ~ Xxx
Well put, I couldn't believe my ears when I heard about the opposition to his telling children that staying and doing well in school was a good thing for both themselves and their country.
People are seriously twisted if they find fault in this message.
It's amazing how the conservatives are trying to 'skew' Obama's message.
And what is exactly wrong with telling school children that getting an education is the most important thing they can do for themselves?
I guess the right-wing conservative party wants to keep everyone stupid. We wouldn't want Americans to start thinking for themselves.
God forbid.
Amen and amen.
The people opposing this speech truly baffle me with their ignorance. It would be amusing if it were not so idiotic, and frankly scary.
"Stay in school and study hard". Now there's a Socialist agenda if I ever heard one! Scheesh.
Well said Deb!
the blatant racism and fundamentalist diarrhea is making me crazy. barrack obama can speak to my son any day, and he is respected in our home. we love him.
Thank you for posting this. I have been scratching my head over all the coverage and wondering if I missed something. I don't think I did. To quote an old friend of mine, "Good for you!!"
Deb I couldn't agree with you more! Everything you wrote speaks to me. Our children are encouraged to voice their opinions but to do so only with respect AND to learn to back it up with facts and intelligence. This is our President, he is a good man, he is trying, he cares...lets support him everyone and then when its time for the next election make a decision and then support that man. My God We are all in this together, or at least I thought we were!!
In truth I think we lost any sort of respect for the office of the President a very long time ago -- or at least at some point during the Clinton administration.
That said though, I find the outcry against Obama's address to school children bizarre. Obama isn't the first to do it and I assume the thrust of his speech is a nonpartisan "stay in school" message anyway.
Very well put Deb.
Hi Deb
It does sound bizarre. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I know little about American politics. [nor Australian politics for that matter.. ] Take Care x Julie
still in love with Aretha's famous hat!
I do agree with the priciples of your argument as far as I can Deb but, alas, I'm not that well up on American politics....but I know that I love Aretha Franklin and Barack Obama !!!!
So.... the President telling kids to stay in school and get an education is a bad thing?? That's just weird.
It isn't only the President who's getting no respect. There's a whole lot of lack of respect going around.
Thanks for your comment on my Jelly Bean Row post :-) My class tonight went well, but I'm going to go broke buying all the school supplies I need. What happened to the days of a Hilroy notebook and a pen?!
I agree he should be able to speak to the school children BUT as far as respect goes...that went out with Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree Anon ~ it's been a long haul but I don't want to think what can happen it we continue to be a nation divided and fueling hate. I do think hate is fueled like a fire..give it 02 & it just grows & grows. Clinton's morals were dumb founding, but not much different than many, many of our past, & present politicians. May I be frank to say their power is channeled to both heads.
have i told you today that i love you ?
i do !
This is fantastic! AMEN.
I came here from Mrs. B's. Your comment about my mother tugged at my heart. I have been there and it is so tough. Your post after last night's insidious South Carolina ignorant shouting out to the president is so on target. That representative should be censored. We used to be called the silent majority. We cannot be silent anymore. Yes, to respect and responsibility. And yes to ending the tyranny of idiots. We must make our case for civility heard. Without shouting. But with great effectiveness.
Thank you home before dark ~ your comments are so eloquent and on the mark. I am so happy to hear from you. All the best to you Xx
Yeah I was wondering what all the rukus was about, the president speaking to school kids? Haven't they always.
I know my kids ask me about things they hear outside our home. People should talk to their kids about things that concern them, ALL things.
No ONE politican has ALL the answers. Never put all your eggs in one basket.
Thank you so much for the sweet comment!
Your so right it all comes down to RESPECT! The youth is the future.
Fabulous post - love the history and pics!
P.S. I heart Obama :)
Well said, Deb. I am a right-wing conservative who has no problem with the President addressing my children at school. The media constantly makes mountains out of mole hills...this is a prime example. They did much of this with President Bush as well. While I don't always agree with Obama's policies, I certainly respect our President and all efforts he makes to improve our Country.
Oh, and Monkey Girl? Just because I have certain political beliefs does not mean I want to "keep everyone stupid." Please don't place me into a generalized category because I disagree with your political beliefs. I will not judge you for your beliefs.
Amen sister!!!
I swear... I moved to the UK after the debated Bush election (but I came back to the states). I am getting ready to move out again. These people make me ashamed to share the same nationality. Respect, people. C'mon.
Standing up & cheering!!!!!!!!
Lowcountry was fab but Im finally glad to be back in my blog world too!!!
Missed your fabulous wit!!!
Darling, have a lovely weekend.
Love, Hugs & Tea
Duchess ♥♥♥
Well said!
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