
New Digs for Dialog

I love to rearrange furniture.If I had it my way, all my furniture would be on wheels. I embrace change, and admire those that take it on the chin and welcome it. I do find change harder to take now as I tally on the years; however it has tempered my impulsiveness to a more manageable simmer.

As of late, I have been drawn to recreating a new cozier seating arrangement for my formal living space. Out with the routine and into rethinking the usual. I adore rooms that if space allows, have several intimate areas for conversation. Have you ever found yourself the unlucky guest at a social gathering tucked in a corner, or on the far end of a sofa out of a conversational range? You are desperately straining to hear the rattle of political opinions or the gab about the trashy neighbor down the street? It's always nice to be able to have a cozy spot to sit, sip and engage in meaningful dialogue, face to face, comfortably.

To fuel my need for change, I so love a more unorthodox approach to seating such as the two matching banquet style pieces, or the grouping of two pairs of deco antique chairs. My choice of choices gives a shout out to the room designed by Burnham Design of California. It has what I'm longing for with it's four over-sized wing chairs with their nail head trim, placed around a substantial round coffee table. Basically, it's all in check.
Coziness Factor Free Clipart Picture of a Red Check Mark. Click Here to Get Free Images at Clipart Guide.com
Intimacy Free Clipart Picture of a Red Check Mark. Click Here to Get Free Images at Clipart Guide.com
Requirement for Repartee Free Clipart Picture of a Red Check Mark. Click Here to Get Free Images at Clipart Guide.com
Cool factor Free Clipart Picture of a Red Check Mark. Click Here to Get Free Images at Clipart Guide.com

{go forth & shop responsibly}
powerful powwows are worth having

photo credits:
Elle Decor 1-3
Western Interiors 4 & 5


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ohhhhhhhh. Those orange chairs in the second to last pic. Gorgeous! And that mirror too. Basically I love everything about that room!

Averill said...

Great inspiration! I completely agree with you -- most seating arrangements are SO not conducive to actual conversation and I vastly prefer several smaller, more intimate seating arrangements to one vast circle. Besides, so often with the latter I manage to find myself in precisely the spot where the conversation splits into distinct subgroups, with me sitting idlly (and silently!) in the middle!