Initial goal - for you to soak in the scenery

18 hole - Championship Golf Course

Wine tasting in your backyard
The country has fallen on hard-times and it didn't take a holiday from our home. Husband no.2 - lost his no.1 job - resulting in life feeling like - no.2. Plans for a trip abroad never came about and focus remains on son no.2 - returning to college, son no.1 - moving on from his college town to find his career, and daughter no. 2's needs pertaining to her final year of high school. Would it not just be easier to have a cash machine installed in our drive-way I ask?
Since marrying Scottish husband in 2001, we've lived in four states in a six-year period of time. Journey onward, we've bought, sold and collected a few homes along the way. Economical euthanasia, perhaps; always keeping our focus on the future and that golden 'retirement fund'. But when times get tough that's when they typically get tougher. In a 2 year period, we've replaced every appliance & system known to man, and when that wasn't enough, we then lost renter's for our Las Vegas home for months on end. The American dream was starting to slip away one phone call, and one bill from Sears, at a time.
Then there is my reliable friend the internet in my world of implausible. While my mind was unraveling, I was still able to reap some joy from the travels and experiences of others (animosity attached). A real holiday a figment of my imagination.
While watching our local news last evening one of the featured stories was about a deal of a life-time at a luxury inn, golf resort and spa in San Diego; our ears stood up like dobberman who hears an intruder. This unbelievable deal is at the incredible Rancho Bernardo Inn just a few blocks away from our home in the burb's of San Diego. Nestled in a quiet community N- N -E of downtown San Diego, just steps away from the 1889 Bernardo Winery; the oldest continually operating winery in Southern California. Miles away from the beaches of Del Mar and La Jolla, and attractions as glorious as the Wild Animal Park, San Diego Zoo, Legoland, the wine country of Temecula, Palomar State Park, the Gas Lamp Quarter; you get the idea?
So when the news story unfolded with the bit's and bob's of the 'deal of the moment', I was in shock. Great deal - yes, odd - ya, you betcha (as my Minnesotan relatives would say). I will let you decide. Straight from RB Inn's Facebook page;
Survivor Package - Stay in a Tent for $19/night
How Low Will You Go?
Name your price with our Survivor Package!
Your Package Includes:
• Deluxe accommodations
• Breakfast for two
$219 per night*
• $199 without breakfast - (alright, I guess I can skip a meal)
• $179 without honor bar - (doable, Albertson's grocery store down the road sells liquor)
• $159 without A/C or heat - (o.k. - that's possible)
• $139 without pillows - (that's what my chubby arms are for)
• $109 without sheets - (I typically carry a set of 750 ct. Egyptian cotton - king size sheets in my handbag don't you?)
• $89 without lights - ( I always prefer "it" with the light's out)
• $59 without linens - (take a pack of "Sham-Wows" with you perhaps?)
• $39 without toiletries - (that means toilet paper folks; will have to walk across the road to Starbucks).
• $19 without bed (come on now!) Yes - does include golfing, and pool privileges.
For Reservations, call 877.517.9340
Good marketing ploy? Come on - this Inn is top-notch incredible and is located in one of the greatest U.S. cities. This 'survivor' package is accomplishing at least one of this marketing dream teams top 5 of desired results - draw media attention. But will it bring in the quality of customers they desire or will it tarnish the glossy image of this stellar resort? Picture a family of 5 trotting through the elaborate lobby, toting a 12/ pack of Charmin (toilet paper), tent, and cooler chest filled Pabst Blue Ribbon (beer), and a jumbo bag of Lay's potato chips.I'm conjuring images of reality 'sleeze - stars' - Heidi and Spencer (Speidi) mingling with Albert Einstein. I'm all about a well needed vaca, the love of an adventure, and a penny pinching bargain, but this is debatable. Doable, possibly, I'm not above a good camp-out, but can you blow-dry your hair at Starbucks?
What do you think? Tarnish or terrific?
{go forth & vacation responsibly}
Trash or Treasure
Trash or Treasure
I think it's fantastic. But, I love to camp. This is camping folks. But at a high dollar luxury resort. Does the $19 rate include use of the amenities like the pool? If so, I'd sooo be there in a heartbeat. With my cooler, candles, t.p., slim jims and prosecco. Oh yes I would. I'd have all the benefits of camping, in a beautiful setting, with security. Fabulous.
on a serious note - you and your family are really in my thoughts these days - I really hope your luck changes, and soon. argh!
I have a vivid imagination, but it sounds like an elaborate hoax designed to get scads of bargain hunting, holiday seeking Americans there in order to round them all up and take them to an undisclosed location for a ritualistic human sacrifice to an evil alien emperor.
And they don't have room service??
Great photos. Those all look amazing. I wish I was off on vacation. Take care. Hope you had a nice weekend. Cheers!
Yeah thats just crazy stupid & dumb all rolled into give me one reason to go then.
I bet theres campgrounds around that you can use & get more.
I feel you're pain though Deb. Having lost the job in Michigan I had forever with no other in sight I dumped my house to avoid foreclosure, losing all my down payment ($75,000) & most of what I put in after. I left all my best friends, those gorgeous Godchildren I love & all the gardens & green behind to start over in AZ & now I'm working 2 jobs still not making what I use to.
I've been working like a dog for my vavcation & sorry a tent is not what this bruised soul needs. I'd rather stay at the Comfort Inn & get t.p.
Misery doesn't luv company but I'll hang out with you while we bitch. :)
Yeah I'm thinking this could end badly, just a feeling! I do have visions of the lobby and it's contents, as you did!!
I always try so hard to turn a little something into an exciting adventure for my kids (who are all boys and love to camp) So this is a tough one...but I'm agreeing with dustjacket attic on this one...let us know. and hang in there my dear!!!
I hate how the world revolves around the economy and how it's effecting everyone - I am hoping that this funk clears soon.
It sounds like an adventure, but not sure if the guests in the rooms would like that. Peering out their window to see campers on the terrace below then. Hahahahaha.
Want to right there!
Thanks for a lovely escape, exactly what the girl swamped in work ordered.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and saying such nice things! You have a beautiful blog and this is a great post. I love the photos and agree that this is an "interesting" marketing ploy at best. I'll be back!
Brilliant! I would totally do the $19 per night package (or any of the others). I'm a girl who loves to camp, so lugging TP and cheap beer is nothing new for me :). I was born in San Diego, and haven't been back since I was 12, so this would be an amazing place to stay - at any price. Thank you for sharing this virtual vacation with us!
P.S. So sorry to hear about the economic woes. My husband and I are self-employed, and have been hit really hard by the downturn as well. I'll summarize a long story, but essentially we both went 6 months without income while renovating an investment property top-to-bottom (the home we now live in), then the market bottomed out, the sale of the house fell through at the closing table due to lender error, yadayda. Gone is the savings, mounting is the debt, but like you, we try to look on the bright side: we are lucky to have each other and live in a nice house with a low mortgage payment, we are healthy, and we are so much more fortunate than so many others. Good luck to you and your family, I truly hope things start looking up.
P.P.S. Have I told you lately just how much I love your blog? Always a pleasure! ;)
I am not exactly sure, but it's totally creative and downright humorous! Thanks for the laugh, Deb. Have a super week! XO
Note to self: must book spa (with bed).
ohhh you've made me want to go there!!! looks so luxurious, i haven't relaxed like that in a loonngg time!
oh and thanks for the sweet comment on my guest blog post on the English Muse!
What a stunning resort! I feel like I've just taken a virtual spa vacation!
ooh do it! it would be a lot of fun and is a definate steal.
Wow. I'll be heading to San Diego next month - hubster has training - I can only DREAM of staying somewhere like this - dinner, perhaps?
thanks for sharing!
Christy makes a good point -- you're basically paying for a campsite. Part of the "luxury hotel experience" is the service, which you wouldn't be getting here.
That said, it'd be a pretty nice campsite.
I think I would give it a whirl.
But I would totally be on the look out for sale reps from the Welk Resort down the road, looking for time share sales pitch victims.
Love the comments about our Survivor Package. Especially your side comments on the amenities and breakdown Deborah! My favorite was: $109 without sheets - I typically carry a set of 750 ct. Egyptian cotton - king size sheets in my handbag don't you? LOL! If anyone actually stays on the package we would love your feedback! Happy Camping :)
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